y-zheng18 / point_odyssey

Official code for PointOdyssey: A Large-Scale Synthetic Dataset for Long-Term Point Tracking (ICCV 2023)
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Is depth in millimeters? #16

Open skoppula opened 3 months ago

skoppula commented 3 months ago


Thanks for the useful work on this dataset!

I was wondering about the scale of the depth maps provided in the dataset, specifically the depths/*.png files. It seems that when reading out (e.g. https://github.com/aharley/pips2/blob/master/datasets/pointodysseydataset_3d.py#L172, https://github.com/y-zheng18/point_odyssey/blob/main/utils/reprojection.py#L88) you scale based on the uint16 range, and then multiply by 1000.

Is this to get the depth of each pixel in millimeters, as distance from the camera?

All the best, Skanda

y-zheng18 commented 1 month ago

i think the depth is in meters :)