Hi yajiedesign:
I use your MXNET cpu version, run MTCNN model detect face and Cpu occupancy rate is 40%,but I downloaded the source code and compiled the libmxnet.dll file myself. The CPU usage is 80%. I compiled it using opencv3.4.2 ,openblas and dmlc. I do not know why this is so,please tell me which libraries have you used? or have you modified anything? thanks
Hi yajiedesign: I use your MXNET cpu version, run MTCNN model detect face and Cpu occupancy rate is 40%,but I downloaded the source code and compiled the libmxnet.dll file myself. The CPU usage is 80%. I compiled it using opencv3.4.2 ,openblas and dmlc. I do not know why this is so,please tell me which libraries have you used? or have you modified anything? thanks