Fixed Polycalcite id. (E.g. Polycarbon, Polycalcite and Polysulfide products require special naming to get them distinguished from each other.) This version reads the old id from save and converts to new one.
Removed extra > characters from tooltips
Reviewed/fixed all talent effects. Removed all "ditto" effects.
Group graphs rescaled to 300% from 200% (one single group overshoots to 343%).
Optimized scrolling to roles/tiers.
Fixed clearing of old alert messages from repeating actions.
Fixed bug where alerts were sometimes not shown after another alert.
Fixed showing long alerts, now multi-line.
Fixed occasional dialog scrollbar fights.
Google material theming support complete. Multiple colour improvements. Light themes support.
Settings implemented. Remember selected theme and toon over sessions.
Added some extra tooltips to some skills.
Added a stripe at top of tiers as visual cue.
Responsive layout impromvements.
Narrow window toolbar.
Narrow window tooltips stay within window.
Role names in editor are now clickable and scroll to next group in same role.
Last group of role scrolls directly to first.
Removed unused tiers 4 and 5 from sidepanel.
Added list of existing local data saves to top of load/save as chips.
Removed Read button in load. Now selected save is read automatically when a chip is selected.
Added confirmation dialogs to data delete and exit if unsaved changes.
Auto-save if closing with toolbar exit-command, user confirms exit, and talents have been modified.
Added status to sidebar: "State: Unchanged, Saved: 6 minutes ago, Auto: 3 minutes ago".
Added content security policy to headers. (self and googleapis, deny: script inlining, eval, allow: style inlining)
Version: 8.7.215