yamcs / yamcs-scos2k

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This project implements a SCOS-2000 MIB loader inside Yamcs.

To use it, first clone the repo and compile it using: mvn install

Then you can add the following in the mdb.yaml:

  - type: "org.yamcs.scos2k.MibLoader"
        path: "/path/to/ASCII/"        
        epoch: "1970-01-01T00:00:00"
        #TC specific settings
           # default size in bytes of the size tag for variable length strings and bytestrings
           vblParamLengthBytes: 0
        #TM specific settings
            vblParamLengthBytes: 1
            # byte offset from beginning of the packet where the type and subType are read from     
            typeOffset: 7
            subTypeOffset: 8

Note: currently all the test files are not stored as part of this project (they are stored in a private repository) because the MIB used for test is taken from another project and cannot be made public. If anyone is willing to contribute a MIB that can be made public, we would gladly change the tests to use that MIB instead.

Known problems and limitations

To be fixed soon:

Not immediate priority: