yandex / faster-rnnlm

Faster Recurrent Neural Network Language Modeling Toolkit with Noise Contrastive Estimation and Hierarchical Softmax
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Awful: Nnet rejected #51

Open cjjjy opened 5 years ago

cjjjy commented 5 years ago

I try running the command , ./rnnlm -rnnlm model_name -train train.txt -valid valid.txt -hidden 256 -hidden-type gru -nce 20 -alpha 0.01 and it occur the error: entropy (bits) valid: -nan elapsed: 29.3s+0.1s Awful: Nnet rejected

how can I solve the problem?

drtonyr commented 3 years ago

I've got the same problem. I just started to reproduce the 1-billion-word results (I get the same md5sums).

$HOME/faster-rnnlm/faster-rnnlm/rnnlm --hidden 128 --hidden-type gru-insyn --nce 50 --direct-order 4 --direct 1000 --alpha 0.05 --bptt-skip 8 --bptt 32 -rnnlm h128 --train train.txt --valid valid.txt --threads 12
Constructed a vocabulary: 793470 words
Constructing a new net (no model file is found)
Constructing RNN: layer_size=128, layer_type=gru-insyn, layer_count=1, maxent_hash_size=999772200, maxent_order=4, vocab_size=793470, use_nce=1
Constructing NCE: layer_size=128, maxent_hash_size=999772200, cuda=1, ln(Z)=9.000000
Constructed UnigramNoiseGenerator: power=1.000, mincells(param)=5.000, mincells(real)=5
Initial entropy (bits) valid: 19.59778
Epoch  1  lr: 5.00e-02/1.00e-01  progress:  99.65%  152.31 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:      nan  elapsed: 87.7m+3.9m  Awful: Nnet rejected`

EDIT: Probing further, this is a very common problem with this software, perhaps the most helpful reply has been in

ALSO: My run above wasn't quite fair, I had --hidden 128 and the example parameters were for --hidden 256. It's now run and exceded the published result of 6.426476.

$HOME/faster-rnnlm/faster-rnnlm/rnnlm --hidden 256 --hidden-type gru-insyn --nce 50 --direct-order 4 --direct 1000 --alpha 0.05 --bptt-skip 8 --bptt 32 -rnnlm h256 --train train.txt --valid valid.txt --threads 12
Constructed a vocabulary: 793470 words
Constructing a new net (no model file is found)
Constructing RNN: layer_size=256, layer_type=gru-insyn, layer_count=1, maxent_hash_size=999772200, maxent_order=4, 
vocab_size=793470, use_nce=1
Constructing NCE: layer_size=256, maxent_hash_size=999772200, cuda=1, ln(Z)=9.000000
Constructed UnigramNoiseGenerator: power=1.000, mincells(param)=5.000, mincells(real)=5
Initial entropy (bits) valid: 19.59782
Epoch  1  lr: 5.00e-02/1.00e-01  progress:  99.27%  44.16 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:  6.82076  elapsed: 302.7m+4.1m
Epoch  2  lr: 5.00e-02/1.00e-01  progress:  99.86%  44.06 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:  6.70054  elapsed: 302.8m+4.0m
Epoch  3  lr: 5.00e-02/1.00e-01  progress:  99.90%  43.98 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:  6.65609  elapsed: 303.3m+4.1m
Epoch  4  lr: 5.00e-02/1.00e-01  progress:  99.92%  44.03 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:  6.61038  elapsed: 303.0m+4.1m
Epoch  5  lr: 5.00e-02/1.00e-01  progress:  99.75%  44.04 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:  6.57961  elapsed: 303.3m+4.1m
Epoch  6  lr: 5.00e-02/1.00e-01  progress:  99.63%  43.62 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:  6.56623  elapsed: 305.9m+4.1m Bad: start lr decay
Epoch  7  lr: 2.50e-02/5.00e-02  progress:  99.52%  44.28 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:  6.42066  elapsed: 301.7m+4.1m
Epoch  8  lr: 1.25e-02/2.50e-02  progress:  99.80%  44.11 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:  6.36528  elapsed: 302.5m+4.1m
Epoch  9  lr: 6.25e-03/1.25e-02  progress:  98.17%  44.18 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:  6.34672  elapsed: 302.8m+4.2m Bad: 1 more to stop
Epoch 10  lr: 3.13e-03/6.25e-03  progress:  99.97%  44.05 Kwords/sec  entropy (bits) valid:  6.38948  elapsed: 302.4m+4.1m Awful: Nnet rejected