yandexdataschool / PreciseGAN

A research repo for studying different techniques towards making more precise GANs
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A research repo for studying different techniques towards making more precise GANs

Experiment reproduction

To reproduce experiment first you need data, that can be downloaded with script. Then you should learn and dump MinMaxScaler with script, and make train/test data split with

Then run with preferred parameters

Notebook usage example: notebook_usage.ipynb

Original paper reproduction

To reproduce results of original paper "DijetGAN: a Generative-Adversarial Network approach for the simulation of QCD dijet events at the LHC" you should initialize data with --train_split=0.8 for integral training data and --train_split=0.15 --task=tail for tail training data

then run with CLI parameters --architecture=cnn --iterations=500000 --optim=adam -lr 1e-5 --adam_beta_1=0.5 --adam_beta_2=0.9 --batch_size=128 and --level=ptcl for particle level or --level=reco for reco level, also specify --task=integral for integral training or --task=tail for tail training.