yangjiakai / lux-ui

Create the best admin based on Vue3.x, Vite5.x, TypeScript, Vuetify3.x, Chat GPT
MIT License
616 stars 136 forks source link
chatgpt firebase firebase-auth markdown mockjs openai pinia typscript vite vue3 vuetify vuetify3


vue element-ui element-ui license

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English | 简体中文| 日本語


Goal: Creating the best Vuetify 3 Admin open-source template.

Built upon the elegant themes of Vuetify, we have established a clear and efficient project structure, integrating the latest technology frameworks. This project aims to address a wide range of common technical requirements and features, while incorporating an AI assistant for a more intelligent experience. Additionally, we ensure that all pages are adaptive across multiple devices, achieving a seamless cross-platform compatibility.

📖Other Versions

SPA Full Version: lux-vuetify3

SPA Simplified i18n Versionlux-vuetify3-i18n

SPA Simplified chinese Versionlux-vuetify3-zh

Nuxt3 version:

Nuxt3 Full Version lux-nuxt3

Nuxt3 Simplified Version lux-nuxt3-template



📈 Project Activity


💬Contact Me


DashBoard ChatGPT DataTable ChatGPT ChatGPT Card Color Gradient ChatGPT ChatGPT ChatGPT


🏷️ UI Frameworks

🏷️ Icons

🏷️ Plugins

👻Try it now!

git clone https://github.com/yangjiakai/lux-admin-vuetify3.git

cd lux-admin-vuetify3

yarn install

yarn dev

👻Docker it!

  1. Build the development environment image:

    docker-compose build dev
  2. Start the development environment:

    docker-compose up dev
  3. Build the production environment image:

    docker-compose build app
  4. Start the production environment:

    docker-compose up app


🔑Set ApiKey

Find the .env.template file in the root directory, remove the .template suffix, and replaceVITE_OPENAI_API_KEY, VITE_UNSPLASH_ACCESS_KEY, and VITE_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID, and VITE_TTS_KEY and VITE_TTS_REGION with your own keys.

openai apikey: https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys

unsplash apikey: https://unsplash.com/oauth/applications

github apikey: https://github.com/settings/tokens

azure textToSpeech : https://speech.microsoft.com/