Closed GoogleCodeExporter closed 9 years ago
If you're worried about Guava increasing the size of your application, the
suggestion is that you use ProGuard as part of your build process to create a
jar that strips out everything you aren't using. See
Original comment by
on 14 Apr 2011 at 8:25
Thanks for the comment.
While ProGuard may be useful for applications, I think it's not applicable for
framework/library type projects, like ModeShape.
We're also trying to reduce/eliminate the risk of classpath conflicts.
Here's the discussion:
Original comment by
on 14 Apr 2011 at 8:31
Yeah, the page I linked does recommend not doing this for libraries. It should
be up to the applications using the libraries what they do with them. Is the
worry that users will avoid your library because of the size of the Guava
dependency? As long as you avoid @Beta APIs, I think you should be fine
I know that for one release (r03) there was a separate jar for each package in
addition to the jar with everything, but they decided not to continue doing
At any rate, I'm not someone who can make any sort of decision about this...
maybe someone else will have some comments.
Original comment by
on 14 Apr 2011 at 9:25
We considered this very carefully when we started Guava, and we believe that a
single JAR, with a recommendation of ProGuard to size-sensitive applications,
is the way to go. The key realization was that even if we split into 10
separate packages, most users are still going to use 15% of this package, 5% of
that one, etc., and would still benefit from ProGuard just as much! We would
add a lot of administrative overhead for no real benefit.
We have some more documentation that gives advice on how to depend on Guava
from a library, which I believe Charles is planning on externalizing for you.
Original comment by
on 19 Apr 2011 at 2:07
Issue 1087 has been merged into this issue.
Original comment by wasserman.louis
on 28 Jul 2012 at 8:31
It isn't the size of the jar but the visibility of unneeded packages that is
concerning. We have a large development team, and one way we keep everyone on e
right track is to control the jars they have access to. Event Bux and the io
classes are unhelpful in our product, but we really like collections. If guava
was intelligently decomposed a bit you would find more people interested in
using what they need without worrying about API creep.
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 3:45
Agree with this, esp #6.
Collections is the most useful part of Guava.
Original comment by
on 1 Aug 2012 at 3:50
This got discussed in the Hangout with the whole team yesterday
(, which provides some more discussion.
(tl;dw: Most Guava users end up using a few features from many different
packages. Relatively few users *only* use c.g.c.collect, or *only* c.g.c.base.)
There's also the issue that c.g.c.collect depends on a bunch of the other Guava
packages, too, especially base, math, and primitives.
If you're *really* that fussy about what's accessible from Guava, ProGuard can
also strip out everything in Guava except common.collect and the classes (not
just the packages) that it actually depends on. I whipped up a ProGuard
configuration file to do that in about five minutes; it's attached.
Original comment by wasserman.louis
on 1 Aug 2012 at 4:14
Issue 1087 has been merged into this issue.
Original comment by wasserman.louis
on 1 Aug 2012 at 4:16
If you look closely at what your company needs and doesn't need, I strongly
doubt that it divides cleanly along package boundaries.
Also, anyone who wants to maintain a sliced-up version of Guava is always
welcome to do so; I think they'll find out it's a lot more painful than it's
worth, but I'm not stopping them!
Original comment by
on 3 Aug 2012 at 4:33
Issue 1329 has been merged into this issue.
Original comment by
on 11 Mar 2013 at 3:34
Hello everyone.
Well I did a small proof of concept and managed to create a set of atomic jars
for Guava 14. Take a look.
As far as I can tell, I am not experiencing any kind of pain after a 3 hour
process. The code divided cleanly among package boundaries. A testament to a
good design I guess :).
Before anyone rage jumps on me this is only the raw, unmodified, java source
code of the core libraries.
Now, if I know Google, they won't be switching to Gradle as a build system *any
time* soon. This approach works for me and my current project so I could *in
theory* volunteer to maintain these atomic jars for Guava.
Question is, is anyone still interested in having these atomic jars at all in
Maven Central?
So, oh mighty Google, art thou interested in such tribute? :P
Thanks again for your time and help.
Original comment by
on 11 Mar 2013 at 8:02
As noted on issue 1329, we've painted ourselves into a corner by releasing the
monolithic jar: Since any new, non-monolithic jars would be separate artifacts,
Maven wouldn't know that guava-14.0 and guava-base-15.0 are incompatible with
one another, and users who inadvertently mix the two are likely to see runtime
failures. That keeps me from offering an endorsement for the Seeds project
(aside from the name ;)), but certainly users can accept the risks if they'd
like, perhaps if they're part of a small dependency graph.
(As you noted, our packages currently have a dependency graph with no loops.
We've considered changing this, but we haven't gone through with it yet. You're
safe for at least a while.)
Original comment by
on 11 Mar 2013 at 8:08
I would think deployments will be able to sort out their mixed-version jar
problem just fine. We have to do that anyways when considering what jars are in
the dependency graph. It is not unusual to exclude old version of jars in
transitive dependencies.
In other words, you aren't painted into any kind of corner. Guava can be
decomposed into smaller, more consumable units. Thank goodness you don't have
circular dependencies!
Original comment by
on 12 Mar 2013 at 2:25
We do still hear from people who have both guava and the old google-collections
on their classpath without realizing it. (We find out only because they post
cryptic errors on StackOverflow and we recognize old versions of classes.) I
wouldn't be surprised if we hear from someone with both guava and seeds-base
somewhere down the line. The unfortunate thing in both cases is that tools
can't identify the incompatibility for us (to the best of my knowledge -- if
someone knows better, please enlighten me!). Once it's identified, certainly
users can do as you suggest.
(No promises on the circular dependencies :) There would be some advantages to
being able to use classes like ImmutableList and FluentIterable from
Original comment by
on 12 Mar 2013 at 2:49
I'm looking into conflicting versions detection, Chris. I know of no specific
metadata that could make explicit an implicit conflict between different
artifacts, but I'm following up.
And that's the key issue, as Chris said... it's not like guava-13.jar and
guava-14.jar deps existing - that's handled in the dependency graph analysis.
It's that there is no signal that guava-base-14.0.jar and guava-14.0.jar are
mutually exclusive (for the fraction of their class file contents that overlap)
in the maven metadata.
So yes, it is definitely not a new problem - other teams have dealt with maven
dependencies and care and feeding of their dependency graph, but making a
change that doesn't force a built-time breakage so people are forced to see it
and fix it is something that goes a bit against the Guava team's grain. It may
be worthwhile in some cases, but it really has to be worth the risk of our
customers pushing erroneous binary packages.
Original comment by
on 12 Mar 2013 at 2:54
@cgruber Crazy idea here. If the real deal breaker for end developers is the
inability to signal incompatible artifacts inside the classpath (e.g. guava-14
vs guava-base-15) then why not change the package names to something like (or something you prefer) so that the compiler raises
errors for code using the monolithic Guava?
I mean, as an end user/developer I'd certainly grudge a bit for having to fix
the compiler errors after upgrading to guava 15, but at least I'd know I have
the option of choosing atomic packages.
In other words, that would introduce an API breaking change which would signal
the start of atomic packaging.
Does that make sense?
Thanks for your time.
Original comment by
on 12 Mar 2013 at 6:08
One option would be to make guava-15 just the base classes (as opposed to
putting those in a guava-base-15 artifact). Clients would need to know to
include the other jars as they needed them, but we wouldn't be seeing duplicate
class issues.
Another option would be to make an "empty" guava-15 jar which the other guava
jars could depend on; the big drawback here of course is that while an empty
jar is lightweight, it's not free.
Another route that might work would be to have the pom for guava-15 include a
relocation section rerouting to guava-base; has more information
on this option.
Finally, it's worth noting that the maven-enforcer-plugin does allow a check
for duplicate classes. However, since most people won't be using this check, it
doesn't help much from a support point of view.
Original comment by
on 3 Apr 2013 at 10:03
Hi guys.
In case anyone's still insterested, I took the plunge and uploaded atomic jars
for release 14.0.1 at Maven Central. Here are the relevant links:
I gave some thought to the potential classpath conflicts and in the end I
decided to fork from Guava and rename the package structure. Hopefully this
will not introduce issues but in any case, let me know.
It pretty much works for me at the moment and hopefully it will for someone
Anything else, let me know.
Thanks for your time and help!
Original comment by
on 15 Jul 2013 at 3:33
Issue 1594 has been merged into this issue.
Original comment by
on 28 Nov 2013 at 1:15
I can't believe the main reason of not splitting up Guava into smaller JARs is
because there's the risk to have a "guava-base-15" artifact not matching
"guava-14" for version conflict resolutions!
There are other examples of libraries which were split over time (I can think
of Spring, or Hibernate, for instance), developers are used to handle such
cases. Also, some suggestions on how to fix these problems were already
mentioned. The best for me would be to provide an empty "guava" POM (with no
JARs) which depends on all the other sub-packages (I think it's the opposite of
what was suggested in #18), so that if I require "guava" all the other
artifacts are automatically included, otherwise I can just choose the ones I
Maintaining a splitting by ourselves using ProGuard is not a viable way if you
consider that we have to manage a codebase of 200+ external dependencies... if
we had to follow this advice for any library that we also need to deploy to the
client (which might be using slow connections) we would die... especially as
soon as we need to upgrade one or more of the split up libraries.
Original comment by
on 28 Nov 2013 at 1:42
Let's suppose a lot of people split Guava themselves: you obtain a lot of
projects that will tend to crystallize their guava dependency to an old
custom-shrunk version, cause upgrading to a new one would potentially be a
PITA. Is it really what you want?
Now suppose at a certain point I have the shrunk jar published into my custom
maven repo with the original id (I use Gradle as a build system, but I guess
the same stand for every build system including some dependency management
features). The dependency manager would resolve Guava dependencies with the
shrunk jar even for 3rd party dependencies that could potentially need
additional classes: that would be a problem.
OTOH if I publish the shrunk jar with a different id (a custom
group-artifact-version) then I could hit some duplicate class issues (the ones
you want to avoid): that would also be a problem.
So there are no feasibility problems in using ProGuard, yGuard and so on, but
in this case it would be perceived as a workaround cause IT REALLY IS a poor
I think this is an issue where the safer approach is not necessarily the best
over the time.
Guava is a great library, and it is really a pity continuing to limit its
adoption on my projects just because it lacks some packaging refinement.
So please consider reopening this issue.
Original comment by davide.cavestro
on 28 Nov 2013 at 3:15
+1 to comments #21 and #22.
Comment #19 talks about a fork born with the only purpose to better support
developers in embedding the library, this should warn you about the correctness
of your decision.
One more question: is Guava going to increase or decrease in size over time? ;-)
Sooner or later you'll have to split it, isn't it better doing it now?
Original comment by
on 28 Nov 2013 at 3:36
How much manual splitting is involved? How often does Proguard do the wrong
thing when pointed at a project and told to include what is necessary? And is
this something that needs to be done for each of the 200 dependencies? My
understanding was that only one configuration and one Proguard run was required
no matter how many dependencies there were.
I'm unclear on why a custom shrunk version of Guava would be put into a Maven
repository. Isn't the idea that Proguard is run on the final project output,
rather than on each of its input libraries?
Original comment by
on 2 Dec 2013 at 10:00
I have no doubt that ProGuard is a great obfuscator/shrinker, but - as every
piece of software - it has some known limitations ( see ) and
possibly some bugs. Also - as every obfuscator - it brings to the build system
some additional complications, such as defining entry points, potential issues
related to reflection and so on.
So - when possible - I prefer using explicit dependencies declarations in order
to maintain control over the 3rd party code our developers may depend on, hence
reflecting the code availability directly within their IDE (instead of removing
from project output at build time unneeded code that they see as available when
coding). It's simpler and safer.
I think shrinking is great when you need to further reduce the size of properly
packaged libraries (in that case it makes no sense splitting them up further or
even asking someone to do so).
IMHO so far Guava is packaged as a monolith and could be packaged is a better
fashion. Hence I'm trying to make you aware of these scenarios :-)
Thanks for your consideration (anything you decide)
Original comment by davide.cavestro
on 3 Dec 2013 at 8:21 I do not even take into consideration to apply Proguard to
the whole codebase, as this consists of classes that are or may be called in a
variety of ways (direct invocation, reflection, even remote class loading).
When you have a complex project (and not a simple HelloWorld application), I do
not think it's wise to force concepts like compile vs runtime dependencies just
to apply workarounds to handle cases like this, it's too risky and hard to
This is what I wanted to say: it's not desirable to treat Guava as a special
case, because there's no reason for which Guava is "better" than all the other
199 dependencies to justify such a special treatment. I still believe a better
modularization for Guava would be desirable, especially if there are no strong
reasons for not doing it.
Original comment by
on 3 Dec 2013 at 11:52
OK, thanks. Most of the team's knowledge of Proguard is secondhand, so we hear
some good things and some bad things, and we don't know how to weigh them
against one another. Additionally, most of that knowledge is with Android,
which I suspect is more likely to have a single entry point (and perhaps less
reflection in general) than a typical app.
Hearing the feedback here, my personal main reservation to splitting Guava
(well, on top of the possibility of conflict between guava-n and guava-base-m)
is that the bulk of the code is located in c.g.c.collect. Any app that uses
collect (which, I suspect, is what most apps use) is going to get most of Guava
along with it. I did some math on this at one point, but it looks like I never
posted it externally:
"Basically everyone is using something from collect, and collect pulls in
base+math+primitives. That's about 9000 methods that everyone would be stuck
with. Splitting out the remaining 3000 into a separate jar is potentially
helpful for teams right on the edge [of Android limits], of course."
Original comment by
on 3 Dec 2013 at 1:21
Some additional data on the issue.
Follows the weight (disk occupation of uncompressed class files) of guava 15.0
potential subpackages:
195K com/google/common/reflect
341K com/google/common/cache
465K com/google/common/util
35K com/google/common/eventbus
33K com/google/common/escape
287K com/google/common/base
222K com/google/common/io
6.1K com/google/common/annotations
123K com/google/common/hash
5.9K com/google/common/xml
145K com/google/common/primitives
5.3K com/google/common/html
110K com/google/common/net
2.7M com/google/common/collect
47K com/google/common/math
4.7M com/google/common/
I'm also attaching the composition graph obtained launching Stan4j on guava
Each edge's weight reflects the dependency's strength, which in turn (on my
understanding) tells how many times a certain package refers another one
through imports, method calls and so on.
From that graph it seems the "collect" package depends only on "base".
So if the whole guava uncompressed weight is 4.7M, supposing "collect" weight
is 2.7M and it depends only on "base" (287K), if we package them as collect.jar
and base.jar then their cumulative weight would be ~3M.
Original comment by davide.cavestro
on 3 Dec 2013 at 4:07
ERRATA: sorry, on my last post I mixed wrong data and also left out the "math"
and "primitives" packages, hence a client that depends on "collect" would
really need 2.7M + 47K + 145K + 287K = ~3.2M (collect + math + primitives +
base), saving ~1.5M
Original comment by davide.cavestro
on 3 Dec 2013 at 4:15
Well guys. I've now published version 15.0 of my atomic Guava port, in case
it's useful to anyone.
Thank you and happy holidays ;)
Original comment by
on 25 Dec 2013 at 4:00
Well guys. I've now published version 16.0.1 of my atomic Guava port, in case
it's useful to anyone.
Please, consider moving all String related functionality to a separate package
'common.base.strings' and also all functional base classes to a separate
package as well. I think these are the two major fat sources for the base
classes of Guava.
Thank you :)
Original comment by
on 23 Mar 2014 at 9:57
Thanks a lot for the guava split. I want to use Guava in my Android app and
reached Dalvik's 64k-method bound.
I want to use the Guava Caches and ListenableFuture, but unfortunately the
latter is part of seeds-util, that references math, primitives, base, function
and strings.
This results in 13k method signatures versus 14k for the original Guava package.
Is there any way to further reduce it?
Any hint is highly appreciated... :)
Original comment by
on 18 Jun 2014 at 7:48
@32 I think it should be possible to shrink it even more. Last time I checked,
there were at least two code packages which had only one shared class among
them. I'll see if this is the case when I get to update my port to Guava 17 (I
know I know, I'll hurry up). :P
Original comment by
on 19 Jun 2014 at 3:50
@33 Is there anything I could help when you port it?
Original comment by
on 25 Jun 2014 at 9:08
Please don't use the Guava issue tracker as a support forum for this other
unsanctioned project.
Original comment by
on 25 Jun 2014 at 1:47
This issue has been migrated to GitHub.
It can be found at<id>
Original comment by
on 1 Nov 2014 at 4:15
Original comment by
on 3 Nov 2014 at 9:09
Original issue reported on by
on 14 Apr 2011 at 8:03