yann300 / remix-walletconnect

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Question about WalletConnect plugin Hosting #9

Open FawadHa1der opened 8 months ago

FawadHa1der commented 8 months ago

@yann300 got a question but couldn't figure where to ask. Where is the walletconnect plugin that comes with remix-alpha.ethereum.org hosted? is it the same domain as remix-alpha.ethereum.org?

We are trying to integrate walletconnect into a Remix Plugin which we host separately. But it doesnt work as intended and I think the plugin being on a different host is part of the issue

yann300 commented 8 months ago

The actual code is at https://github.com/ethereum/remix-project/tree/master/apps/walletconnect in remix.ethereum.org and alpha, it's at the same origin, but using a different origin shouldn't cause any problem. Could you give some context where you are running the plugin?

FawadHa1der commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the reply @yann300. kinda stuck so some direction would be good. We at nethermind are helping zksync write a plugin for remix. That plugin might be hosted on a different domain. so when I connect to metamask from within the local plugin hosted on a separate domain it doesn't show up as connected within the meta mask wallet itself. I imagine this is a security feature since the main app is at remix.ethereum.org and the plugin is a different domain, no ?