yanne / api-testing

I am using this to test GitHub API
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"Set Test Variable" - RIDE incorrectly gives error message "Argument: name Unknown variable" #184

Open yanne opened 10 years ago

yanne commented 10 years ago


This issue was originally reported to Google Code on Dec 2, 2013.

yanne commented 10 years ago

Original comment by mikko.ko...@gmail.com on Dec 3, 2013.

Thanks for the report!

Set Test/Suite/Global Variable are dynamically setting the variable. They could also be used inside of a keyword or even a library and also conditionally. Thus RIDE can not always know that a variable exists - but in your example case IMHO it should be identified in similar way as ${LoginURL}= Set Variable Value

For the implementer of this feature @see local namespace

yanne commented 10 years ago

Original comment by mikko.ko...@gmail.com on Dec 9, 2013.

Unfortunately Set Test / Suite / Global Variable work in a very odd way compared to normal RF syntax..

Seems to require changes to localnamespace.py

Following should work after this:

Set Test Variable ${FOO} slkadlk Set Suite Variable \${bar} dl kslad Set Global Variable @{zoo} kdsjak dksajdksj dsakjdksj

So lines after that (in the same keyword / test case) should identify FOO, bar and zoo as variables .. also they should be allowed to exist as arguments for Set Test / Suite / Global Variable. Also the implementation should correctly handle cases where these keywords have been overridden with something else.