Hi, I am having problems with downloading landsat images through the landsatxplore package. Until yesterday all the downloading part worked quite fine, but from today there are error messages telling that the login fails. The scene search part seems OK, but when it comes to actually get images from the server, I've got the following error. Are there anyone having same issue? I am suspecting that USGS had changed something in their system, but it is not clear because there are no official announcement so far...
Hi, I am having problems with downloading landsat images through the landsatxplore package. Until yesterday all the downloading part worked quite fine, but from today there are error messages telling that the login fails. The scene search part seems OK, but when it comes to actually get images from the server, I've got the following error. Are there anyone having same issue? I am suspecting that USGS had changed something in their system, but it is not clear because there are no official announcement so far...
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/landsatxplore/earthexplorer.py in login(self, username, password) 66 67 if not self.logged_in(): ---> 68 raise EarthExplorerError("EE: login failed.") 69 70 def logout(self):
EarthExplorerError: EE: login failed.