yarray / AviPost.web

Web app of AviPost
Apache License 2.0
0 stars 0 forks source link


Circle CI

Web app version of AviPost. Please refer to sunforest/AviPost as backend.



  1. Install node + npm
  2. Install gulp globally with sudo npm install -g gulp
  3. Install other dependencies with npm install under the root directory

Now you have a bunch of tasks available:

Please refer to gulpfile.js to find other smaller tasks.

* Notice: The server initialized by gulp serve needs a backend. If you cannot connect to a proper running backend, you can it by following Quick & dirty steps (be careful it is NOT best practice and may pollute your system):

  1. Install & init PostgreSQL and PostGIS
  2. Install Docker, also install & start boot2docker if you are on OS X
  3. Checkout submodule: git submodule sync && git submodule update --init
  4. docker build -t avipost AviPost/
  5. createdb avipost_ci
  6. psql -U postgres -c "CREATE EXTENSION postgis -d avipost_ci"
  7. python AviPost/avipost/manage.py migrate
  8. docker run --name=api --net='host' -e "DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=avipost.settings.dev_yar" -d avipost