yathit / ydn-db

Javascript database module for Indexeddb, Web SQL and localStorage storage mechanisms supporting version migration, advanced query, SQL and transaction.
Apache License 2.0
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generator function for index with keyPath array #96

Closed kalimantos closed 8 years ago

kalimantos commented 8 years ago

Hi, i know that it's possible to use generator for create an index with one field, for example:

indexes: [{
  name: 'my-index',
  generator: function(obj) { return obj.myField.toUpperCase() }

but can i create a index with more than one field? (as using keyPath: ['myField1', 'myField2']) maybe as this?

indexes: [{
  name: 'myField1, myField2',
  generator: function(obj) { 
    return [

thanks in advance!

yathit commented 8 years ago


kalimantos commented 8 years ago

Hi, i'm using that that store schema:

  name: 'contact',
  keyPath: 'contactid',
  indexes: [
      name: 'accountid, name',
      //keyPath: ['accountid', 'name'],
      generator: function (obj) {
        return [

if i use the keyPath all is ok, but if i use the generator, an error was given when i istantiate the db with

var db = ydn.db.Storage(config.dbName, dbSchema, {
    mechanisms: ['indexeddb', 'websql']

the error is: screen shot 2016-02-12 at 10 12 01

How can i make it work? Thank you

yathit commented 8 years ago

Then it is a bug.

yathit commented 8 years ago

Fixed in release 1.4.1. Thanks.

kalimantos commented 8 years ago

Thank you so much!!

kalimantos commented 8 years ago

Hi! i'm having some problems while query using the index under

  name: 'contact',
  keyPath: 'contactid',
  indexes: [
      name: 'accountid, name',
      //keyPath: ['accountid', 'name'],
      generator: function (obj) {
        return [

if i query using that code:

//accountId is a string assuming the value of the account i need to filter
  .where('accountid', '=', accountId)

that error is raised: Uncaught ConstraintError: Require index "accountid, name" not found in store "contact"

How can i solve that? Thank you so much

kalimantos commented 8 years ago


//accountId is a string assuming the value of the account i need to filter
  .where('accountid', '=', accountId)


var keyRange = ydn.db.KeyRange.starts([accountid]);
db.values('contact', 'accountid, name', keyRange).done(function(l){console.log(l)});

it works!

yathit commented 8 years ago

@kalimantos looks like bug in Query.