Closed metalelf0 closed 4 years ago
Hi @metalelf0 !
Thanks for reporting.
Can you start nvim
in a terminal?
Yes, I use it regularly. Strange thing is, I just tried opening fvim again, and it started normally (just a couple warnings about ginit.vim
, but nothing critical). The message I posted above has been shown only on first start.
Other users also report this symptom. Weird indeed.
I've edited the title a bit. Let's keep this issue open so we can track and fix this.
I've got this issue too.
In my case most of the times it crashes. I am very lucky to get it working. I get a blank (black) screen.
$ ./FVim --trace-to-stdout
log: fvim started. time = 5/15/2020 6:06:04 PM
model: starting neovim instance...
model: opts = { intent = Start
logToStdout = true
logToFile = false
logPatterns = None
args = ["--embed"]
program = "nvim"
stderrenc = System.Text.UTF8Encoding+UTF8EncodingSealed
serveropts = StartNew }
neovim.process: Starting process. Program: nvim; Arguments: --embed
neovim.process: begin read loop
model: commencing early initialization...
neovim.process: call: 0 -> [0,0,"nvim_get_api_info",[]]
model: available ui options: set
["ext_cmdline"; "ext_hlstate"; "ext_linegrid"; "ext_messages"; "ext_multigrid";
"ext_popupmenu"; "ext_tabline"; "ext_termcolors"; "ext_wildmenu"; ...]
neovim.process: call: 1 -> [0,1,"nvim_set_var",["fvim_loaded",1]]
neovim.process: call: 2 -> [0,2,"nvim_set_client_info",["FVim",{"major":"0","minor":"2","prerelease":"dev"},"ui",{},{"InstanceId":"0f85ec94-29af-40b0-8d4f-acc3ada870bc"}]]
neovim.process: call: 3 -> [0,3,"nvim_list_chans",[]]
model: FVim connected clients: [("0f85ec94-29af-40b0-8d4f-acc3ada870bc", 1)]
model: FVim client channel is: 1
neovim.process: call: 4 -> [0,4,"nvim_command",["let g:clipboard = { 'name': 'FVimClipboard', 'copy': { '+': {lines, regtype -> rpcrequest(1, 'set-clipboard', lines, regtype)}, '*': {lines, regtype -> rpcrequest(1, 'set-clipboard', lines, regtype)}, }, 'paste': { '+': {-> rpcrequest(1, 'get-clipboard')}, '*': {-> rpcrequest(1, 'get-clipboard')}, },}"]]
neovim.process: call: 5 -> [0,5,"nvim_set_var",["fvim_channel",1]]
neovim.process: call: 6 -> [0,6,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=0 FVimDetach call rpcnotify(1, 'remote.detach')"]]
neovim.process: call: 7 -> [0,7,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=0 FVimToggleFullScreen call rpcnotify(1, 'ToggleFullScreen', 1)"]]
neovim.process: call: 8 -> [0,8,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimCursorSmoothMove call rpcnotify(1, 'cursor.smoothmove', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 9 -> [0,9,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimCursorSmoothBlink call rpcnotify(1, 'cursor.smoothblink', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 10 -> [0,10,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimFontLineHeight call rpcnotify(1, 'font.lineheight', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 11 -> [0,11,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimFontAutoSnap call rpcnotify(1, 'font.autosnap', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 12 -> [0,12,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimFontAntialias call rpcnotify(1, 'font.antialias', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 13 -> [0,13,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimFontDrawBounds call rpcnotify(1, 'font.drawBounds', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 14 -> [0,14,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimFontAutohint call rpcnotify(1, 'font.autohint', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 15 -> [0,15,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimFontSubpixel call rpcnotify(1, 'font.subpixel', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 16 -> [0,16,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimFontLcdRender call rpcnotify(1, 'font.lcdrender', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 17 -> [0,17,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimFontHintLevel call rpcnotify(1, 'font.hindLevel', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 18 -> [0,18,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimFontNormalWeight call rpcnotify(1, 'font.weight.normal', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 19 -> [0,19,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimFontBoldWeight call rpcnotify(1, 'font.weight.bold', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 20 -> [0,20,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimKeyDisableShiftSpace call rpcnotify(1, 'key.disableShiftSpace', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 21 -> [0,21,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimUIMultiGrid call rpcnotify(1, 'ui.multigrid', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 22 -> [0,22,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimUIPopupMenu call rpcnotify(1, 'ui.popupmenu', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 23 -> [0,23,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimUITabLine call rpcnotify(1, 'ui.tabline', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 24 -> [0,24,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimUICmdLine call rpcnotify(1, 'ui.cmdline', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 25 -> [0,25,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimUIWildMenu call rpcnotify(1, 'ui.wildmenu', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 26 -> [0,26,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimUIMessages call rpcnotify(1, 'ui.messages', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 27 -> [0,27,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimUITermColors call rpcnotify(1, 'ui.termcolors', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 28 -> [0,28,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimUIHlState call rpcnotify(1, 'ui.hlstate', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 29 -> [0,29,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimDrawFPS call rpcnotify(1, 'DrawFPS', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 30 -> [0,30,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimCustomTitleBar call rpcnotify(1, 'CustomTitleBar', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 31 -> [0,31,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimBackgroundOpacity call rpcnotify(1, 'background.opacity', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 32 -> [0,32,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimBackgroundComposition call rpcnotify(1, 'background.composition', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 33 -> [0,33,"nvim_command",["command! -nargs=1 -complete=expression FVimBackgroundAltOpacity call rpcnotify(1, 'background.altopacity', <args>)"]]
neovim.process: call: 34 -> [0,34,"nvim_command",["autocmd VimEnter * runtime! ginit.vim"]]
ui: GetTypeface: allocating new typeface Menlo:false:false
editorvm #1: fontConfig: glyphsize=9.933837890625, 19, measured font size=16.5
mainwindow: configBackground: SolidBackground #00000000
cursor: render tick 0
cursor: setCursorAnimation: blink=false, move=false
mainwindow: set position: 608, 266
editor #1: viewmodel connected
cursor: render tick 1
editor #1: MeasureOverride: 1260, 735
editorvm #1: set measured size: 1260, 735
model: attaching to nvim on first grid ready signal. size = 126 0
neovim.process: call: 35 -> [0,35,"nvim_ui_attach",[126,0,{"rgb":true,"ext_linegrid":true,"ext_popupmenu":true,"ext_multigrid":false,"ext_tabline":false,"ext_cmdline":false,"ext_wildmenu":false,"ext_messages":false,"ext_hlstate":false,"ext_termcolors":false}]]
neovim.process: call 35: error response [|1uy; "Expected width > 0 and height > 0"|]
editor #1: MeasureOverride: 666, 600
editorvm #1: set measured size: 666, 600
model: Grid #1 resized to 67 31
neovim.process: call: 36 -> [0,36,"nvim_ui_try_resize",[67,31]]
neovim.process: call 36: error response [|0uy; "UI not attached to channel: 1"|]
model: Grid #1 resized to 67 31
neovim.process: call: 37 -> [0,37,"nvim_ui_try_resize",[67,31]]
neovim.process: call 37: error response [|0uy; "UI not attached to channel: 1"|]
ui: GetTypeface: allocating new typeface :false:false
cursor: setCursorAnimation: blink=false, move=false
cursor: setCursorAnimation: blink=false, move=false
cursor: setCursorAnimation: blink=false, move=false
model: window is closing
neovim.process: call: 38 -> [0,38,"nvim_command",["confirm quitall"]]
error: model: neovim:
neovim.process: exception: System.InvalidOperationException: Invalid MessagePack code was detected, code:-1
at MessagePack.MessagePackBinary.ReadMessageBlockFromStreamCore(Stream stream, Byte[]& bytes, Int32 offset, Boolean readOnlySingleMessage)
at MessagePack.MessagePackBinary.ReadMessageBlockFromStreamUnsafe(Stream stream, Boolean readOnlySingleMessage, Int32& readSize)
at MessagePack.MessagePackSerializer.Deserialize[T](Stream stream, IFormatterResolver resolver, Boolean readStrict)
neovim.process: end read loop: process exited, code = 0
model: window is closing
neovim.process: call: 39 -> [0,39,"nvim_command",["confirm quitall"]]
It stops at this line
neovim.process: call 37: error response [|0uy; "UI not attached to channel: 1"|]
I don't get crashed anymore :)
Some findings here. The crash usually doesn't reveal the "real exception" but if you go into the app package folder and invoke fvim-osx-launcher
, the exception will be printed to the terminal.
I've got a null value exception caused by $HOME
not set in the launcher environment.
Working on a new launcher script that will solve #86, #145, #128
just downloaded the latest release and I cannot start fvim from osx.
Here's the window I get with the error message:
Currently installed neovim version is
NVIM v0.5.0-53b0258
. OS is macOS Catalina 10.15 (19A602). Let me know if I can provide any further info.Thanks!