yearn / budget

yearn budget requests and audits
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Translate Docs into Spanish - Budget Request #209

Open socopower opened 4 months ago

socopower commented 4 months ago


Hello guys, I am opening this new budget request to start contributing to the translation of all docs into Spanish which has no active contributors.

Since last year I participated in the Translatathon held by the Ethereum Foundation to finish promoting the translation of all the foundation's content in several key languages, I realized how important it is for other protocols/projects to do the same in order to do so. break the linguistic barrier that may occur to users who want to consult their respective documentation.

I haven't contributed to Yearn before, but this would be the first of many contributions I would like to make.


The entire plan will be carried out in HackMD, there I will create a main page for the Yearn documentation, you can follow my latest translation so that you have an example of what this page would look like.

About my action plan:


2024-06-1 to 2024-08-20


@socopower (as a translator and reviewer)


I would like to give you 3 options on how to execute this project (if approved ofc):

Option A: Translate the Yearn documentation in full, including the chapters: Introduction, Develop, Contribute, Resources and Security.

Option A, Budget:

Option B: Translate the Yearn documentation, focusing on the user, this would only be the chapters: Introduction, Contribute, and Resources

Option B, Budget:

Option C: This option is more than anything to give "support" to the translation, whether the Yearn team has decided to move forward with Option A or Option B, let me explain:

Option C, Budget:

This Support service would only cost 500 DAI/Month, with this support service, the Yearn team will not have to pay any extra amount to translate the new changes or chapters that they add to the original documentation no matter what however long these changes or chapters are.

These budgets (Option A & B) described here are not monthly, they would be a one-time payment for the translation, (except Option C, which is a monthly payment of 500 DAI.)

Obviously, it could be divided into several parts or by milestone (usually, I establish each chapter of the documentation as a milestone) so that the Yearn team feels more confident when proceeding.

P.S: I am avoiding the Smart Contracts chapter because it is very technical (but if the team wants it, I can include it)

Amount (Total)

6.2k DAI - 4k DAI in total, + 500 DAI/Montly If the Yearn team decides to choose Option C

Wallet address




0xPickles commented 4 months ago

Status: Not approved

1 in support, 9 against (I am not a voter)

After reviewing the request, it did not receive enough support to pass.

Here are some concerns that were raised:

socopower commented 4 months ago

Hi, about the concerns that arose to the team when reading the proposal...

1- Is there a real need for translations? Knowing with certainty the answer to that question is somewhat difficult, but... if you ask me as a Spanish speaker, I would tell you that it is necessary because I do want to know the protocol in depth but I do not have a good level of English, I could misinterpret something in the documentation.

And also from the point of view of comfort, there is nothing more comfortable than consulting a guide, a documentation in the best language that the person can use.

2- Can contributors who don't read English well still be productive in the collaboration-heavy environment of Yearn? If Yearn opens up the opportunity for them to do it, of course I believe it.

3- How will maintenance be managed over time, and are the ongoing costs justified?

defiglenn commented 4 months ago

Hey @socopower, feel free to jump into the discord and we can chat more about this.

I contribute to ySupport so maybe there is an avenue to join our team and start a Yearn/DeFi Spanish telegram group as a first step. This would be voluntary until you proved value add.

We've got/had telegram groups for different languages in the past.