Build during the curfew(Bangladesh), thousands of students where killed and got injured.
for more search tag SaveBangladeshStudent
Game concept
If the cell is alive, then it stays alive if it has either 2 or 3 live neighbors
If the cell is dead, then it springs to life only in the case that it has 3 live neighbors
User flow
@startuml gameOfLife
actor User
User --> (Home)
(Home) --> (PreModel)
(Home) --> (CustomPattern)
note left of (PreModel)
List of defined models
- auto fill form
- can increase the grid size
end note
(PreModel) --> (FiveCellPattern)
note bottom of (FiveCellPattern)
- min space: [4x4]
- clip: none
end note
(PreModel) --> (Glider)
note bottom of (Glider)
- min space: [4x4]
- clip: none
end note
(PreModel) --> (LightWeightSpaceShip)
note bottom of (LightWeightSpaceShip)
- min space: [5x6]
- clip: none
end note
(PreModel) --> (MiddleWeightSpaceShip)
note bottom of (MiddleWeightSpaceShip)
- min space: [7x7]
- clip: none
end note
(CustomPattern) --> (UserForm)
note right of (UserForm)
- user can insert a predefine at a giver offset
end note
(PreModel) --> Simulate
(UserForm) --> Simulate