yebinama / paclair

Paclair is a Python3 Cli tool to interact with Coreos's Clair (
Apache License 2.0
27 stars 13 forks source link


Paclair is a Python3 Cli tool to interact with Coreos's Clair <>_.



To install Paclair, simply use pip (or pipenv):

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install paclair




An example configuration file is available in the conf directory


    clair_url: 'https://localhost:6060'
    # clair_api_version: 3
    # Whitelist known CVE's not to shown in html report
    # cve_whitelist:
    #   - CVE-2016-9843
    #   - CVE-2016-9840
    #   - CVE-2016-6313
      class: paclair.plugins.docker_plugin.DockerPlugin
          token_url: "{image.repository}/v2/token?"
          protocol: 'http'
          api_prefix: '/api/docker/{image.repository}'
            - "*****"
            - "*****"
        # Example for a private gitlab server
          # If using https with an internal CA, ensure verify is pointing to it
          protocol: 'https'
          verify: "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"
            - "*****"
            - "*****"
        # Example for ECR Docker Repository
          token: "" # Execute this command to get token aws ecr get-authorization-token --output text --query 'authorizationData[].authorizationToken'
          protocol: 'https'
          token_type: Basic

Plugins are dynamically loaded during execution. That's why you have to specify the class of the
plugins you want to use.

We have various plugins to interact with different sources (ex: docker registry, Elasticsearch)
because we use a custom variant of Clair which can analyse more than Docker images.

If you want to use Paclair only to analyse docker images, don't bother with others plugins.


+-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Config Option | Description | +===================================+===================================+ | General::clair_url | url of the Clair Server. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | General::verify | Either a boolean, in which case | | | it controls whether we verify the | | | server’s TLS certificate, or a | | | string, in which case it must be | | | a path to a CA bundle to use. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | General::clair_api_version | Clair Api Version. | | | If different from 3, will be set | | | to default. | | | Default to 1. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | General::html_template | Html template. | | | You can use a custom html template| | | when using html output. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | General::cve_whitelist | CVE vulnerability list not to be | | | included in the report post | | | analysis (stats or html). | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Plugins | List of plugins to use. If you | | | only want to analyse docker | | | images, keep the default | | | configuration. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Plugins::Docker::class | Class for the docker plugin | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Plugins::Docker::registries | You can specify configuration for | | | registries (authentification, …) | | | if needed. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Plugins::Docker::registries::regi | login/password | | stry1::auth | | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Plugins::Docker::registries::regi | Either a boolean, in which case | | stry1::verify | it controls whether we verify the | | | server’s TLS certificate, or a | | | string, in which case it must be | | | a path to a CA bundle to use. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Plugins::Docker::registries::regi | Protocol to use (http or https). | | stry1::protocol | Default to https. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Plugins::Docker::registries::token| You can specify an authentication | | | token (use with token_type). | | | Default to None. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Plugins::Docker::registries::token| Specify the token type. | | _type | Default to Bearer. | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+

Running the tests

Launch tox.

.. code-block:: bash

$ tox


.. code-block:: bash

usage: paclair [-h] [--debug] [--syslog] [--conf CONF]
               plugin hosts [hosts ...] {push,delete,analyse} ...

positional arguments:
  plugin                Plugin to launch
  hosts                 Image/hostname to analyse
                        Command to launch
    push                Push images/hosts to Clair
    delete              Delete images/hosts from Clair
    analyse             Analyse images/hosts already pushed to Clair

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --debug               Debug mode
  --syslog              Log to syslog
  --conf CONF           Conf file

Analyse command usage

.. code-block:: bash

    usage: paclair plugin hosts [hosts ...] analyse [-h]
                                                [--output-format {stats,html}]
                                                [--output-report {file,term}]
                                                [--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR]

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      --output-format {stats,html}
                            Change default output format (default: json)
      --output-report {file,term}
                            Change report location (default: logger)
      --output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
                            Change output directory (default: current)
      --delete              Delete after analyse


Push ubuntu image to Clair

.. code-block:: bash

$ paclair --conf conf/conf.yml Docker ubuntu push
Pushed ubuntu to Clair.

Analyse ubuntu image (stats only show fixable CVE)

.. code-block:: bash

$ paclair --conf conf/conf.yml Docker ubuntu analyse --output-format stats
Medium: 3

You can have the full json if you don't specify --output-format stats.

Analyse ubuntu image and get a html report in directory /tmp

.. code-block:: bash

$ paclair --conf conf/conf.yml Docker ubuntu analyse --output-format html --output-dir /tmp

Delete ubuntu image

.. code-block:: bash

$ paclair --conf conf/conf.yml Docker ubuntu delete
ubuntu was deleted from Clair.


Feel free to contribute.
