yhat / pandasql

sqldf for pandas
MIT License
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dask.dataframe support? #66

Open tkmktime opened 5 years ago

tkmktime commented 5 years ago


When I try to use pandasql with dask.dataframe, I got below error. Do you have any idea for using pandasql with dask?


dfp = dd.read_csv(s3fp, compression='gzip', header=None, sep=',', quotechar='"', blocksize=None, dtype=object, names=['A' + str(i) for i in range(60)] ) ps.sqldf('select * from dfp limit 10;',globals())

AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)

in () ----> 1 ps.sqldf('select * from dfp limit 10;',globals()) C:\Miniconda2\envs\py27\lib\site-packages\pandasql\sqldf.pyc in sqldf(query, env, db_uri) 154 >>> sqldf("select avg(x) from df;", locals()) 155 """ --> 156 return PandaSQL(db_uri)(query, env) C:\Miniconda2\envs\py27\lib\site-packages\pandasql\sqldf.pyc in __call__(self, query, env) 56 continue 57 self.loaded_tables.add(table_name) ---> 58 write_table(env[table_name], table_name, conn) 59 60 try: C:\Miniconda2\envs\py27\lib\site-packages\pandasql\sqldf.pyc in write_table(df, tablename, conn) 119 message='The provided table name \'%s\' is not found exactly as such in the database' % tablename) 120 to_sql(df, name=tablename, con=conn, --> 121 index=not any(name is None for name in df.index.names)) # load index into db if all levels are named 122 123 C:\Miniconda2\envs\py27\lib\site-packages\dask\dataframe\core.pyc in __getattr__(self, key) 2246 elif key in self._dt_attributes: 2247 return getattr(self.dt, key) -> 2248 raise AttributeError("'Index' object has no attribute %r" % key) 2249 2250 def __dir__(self): AttributeError: 'Index' object has no attribute 'names'
javadba commented 5 years ago

Good to get this fixed.. except this project as a whole is basically orphaned.

what is the "cost" to converting from dask to pandas first (and then back)?

stonebig commented 4 years ago

how did you fix it ?