yifeishi / PlaneMatch

[ECCV'18 Oral] PlaneMatch: Patch Coplanarity Prediction for Robust RGB-D Reconstruction
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Baidu Netdisk link failure #3

Open zhenglongyu opened 5 years ago

zhenglongyu commented 5 years ago

The baidu netdisk link to download data and pretrained network failed and I can't access the data and models. Please help!

yifeishi commented 5 years ago

Hi @zhenglongyu, thanks for your interest in our works. I just tried to open the links. They work pretty well from my side. May I know which links are you using?

zhenglongyu commented 5 years ago

Thank you, and few days ago I can accss the link. The links is provided by you: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1UTFTNZyT0xyuHn4XZXdEKw https://pan.baidu.com/s/1RFfF6qNm84Gf40YAqHbI9w https://pan.baidu.com/s/1s0A9Dwd2qiWyOvTHdxn4CQ Maybe it is the problem of my chrome browser which blocked the link.