yihong1120 / Construction-Hazard-Detection

Enhances construction site safety using YOLOv8 for object detection, identifying hazards like workers without helmets or safety vests, and proximity to machinery or vehicles. HDBSCAN clusters safety cone coordinates to create monitored zones. Post-processing algorithms improve detection accuracy.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Fix code scanning alert - Uncontrolled data used in path expression #16

Open yihong1120 opened 1 month ago

yihong1120 commented 1 month ago

Tracking issue for:

codeautopilot[bot] commented 1 month ago

Potential solution

The plan to solve the bug involves validating and sanitizing user inputs and external data used in path expressions across all relevant files. This will mitigate the risk of path traversal attacks and ensure the security of the application. The solution includes implementing URL validation, sanitizing file paths, and adding error handling and logging mechanisms.

What is causing this bug?

The bug is caused by the lack of validation and sanitization of user inputs and external data used in path expressions. Specifically:

  1. In src/stream_capture.py, the stream URL is taken directly from user input without validation.
  2. In src/live_stream_detection.py, parameters like output_folder, stream_url, and model_key are used without proper validation.
  3. In src/stream_viewer.py, the stream URL is used directly to initialize the video capture object without validation.
  4. In src/model_fetcher.py, the model_name is used to construct file paths without sanitization, leading to potential path traversal vulnerabilities.


Here are the implementation details and code snippets for each file:


URL Validation

from urllib.parse import urlparse

def is_valid_url(url: str) -> bool:
        result = urlparse(url)
        return all([result.scheme, result.netloc])
    except ValueError:
        return False

# Usage
if not is_valid_url(args.url):
    raise ValueError("Invalid URL provided")


Sanitizing output_folder

from pathlib import Path

def sanitize_path(path: str) -> str:
    safe_base = Path("/safe/directory").resolve()
    resolved_path = (safe_base / path).resolve()
    if not resolved_path.is_relative_to(safe_base):
        raise ValueError("Unsafe path detected")
    return str(resolved_path)

# Usage in the constructor
self.output_folder = sanitize_path(output_folder) if output_folder else None

Validating stream_url

from urllib.parse import urlparse

def validate_url(url: str) -> str:
    result = urlparse(url)
    if all([result.scheme, result.netloc]):
        return url
        raise ValueError("Invalid URL")

# Usage in the run_detection method
stream_url = validate_url(stream_url)

Sanitizing model_key

import re

def sanitize_model_key(model_key: str) -> str:
    if not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$', model_key):
        raise ValueError("Invalid model key")
    return model_key

# Usage in the constructor and generate_detections_local method
self.model_key = sanitize_model_key(model_key)
model_path = Path('models/pt/') / f"best_{self.model_key}.pt"


URL Validation

from urllib.parse import urlparse

class StreamViewer:
    def __init__(self, stream_url: str, window_name: str = 'Stream Viewer'):
        if not self.is_valid_url(stream_url):
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid stream URL: {stream_url}")

        self.stream_url = stream_url
        self.window_name = window_name
        self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.stream_url)

    def is_valid_url(self, url: str) -> bool:
        parsed_url = urlparse(url)
        if parsed_url.scheme not in ['http', 'https', 'rtsp']:
            return False

        allowed_domains = ['kctmc.nat.gov.tw']
        if parsed_url.hostname not in allowed_domains:
            return False

        return True

    def display_stream(self):
        while True:
            ret, frame = self.cap.read()
            if ret:
                cv2.imshow(self.window_name, frame)
                if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'):
                print('Failed to retrieve frame.')


    def release_resources(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
    video_url = 'https://cctv4.kctmc.nat.gov.tw/50204bfc/'
    viewer = StreamViewer(video_url)


Sanitizing model_name

from pathlib import Path
import requests

def sanitize_model_name(model_name: str) -> str:
    if not model_name.isalnum() and "_" not in model_name:
        raise ValueError("Invalid model name")
    return model_name

def download_model(model_name, url):
    model_name = sanitize_model_name(model_name)
    LOCAL_MODEL_DIRECTORY = Path('models/pt/')
    LOCAL_MODEL_DIRECTORY.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    local_file_path = LOCAL_MODEL_DIRECTORY / model_name

    if local_file_path.exists():
        print(f"'{model_name}' exists. Skipping download.")

    response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        with open(local_file_path, 'wb') as f:
            for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
        print(f"'{model_name}' saved to '{local_file_path}'.")
        print(f"Error downloading '{model_name}': {response.status_code}")

def main():
    MODEL_URLS = {
        'best_yolov8l.pt': 'http://changdar-server.mooo.com:28000/models/best_yolov8l.pt',
        'best_yolov8x.pt': 'http://changdar-server.mooo.com:28000/models/best_yolov8x.pt',

    for model_name, url in MODEL_URLS.items():
        download_model(model_name, url)

if __name__ == '__main__':

How to replicate the bug

  1. For src/stream_capture.py:

    • Run the script with a malformed or malicious URL as a command-line argument.
    • Example: python src/stream_capture.py --url "http://malicious.url"
  2. For src/live_stream_detection.py:

    • Pass a malicious output_folder, stream_url, or model_key to the LiveStreamDetector class.
    • Example: detector = LiveStreamDetector(output_folder="../../etc/passwd", stream_url="http://malicious.url", model_key="../../etc/passwd")
  3. For src/stream_viewer.py:

    • Initialize the StreamViewer class with a malicious URL.
    • Example: viewer = StreamViewer("http://malicious.url")
  4. For src/model_fetcher.py:

    • Add a malicious model_name to the MODEL_URLS dictionary.
    • Example: MODEL_URLS = {'../../etc/passwd': 'http://malicious.url'}

By following these steps, you can replicate the bug and observe the potential security vulnerabilities caused by uncontrolled data used in path expressions.

Click here to create a Pull Request with the proposed solution

Files used for this task:

Changes on src/stream_capture.py # Analysis Report for `src/stream_capture.py` ## Overview The file `src/stream_capture.py` is responsible for capturing frames from a video stream. It includes functionalities to initialize the stream, capture frames at specified intervals, check internet speed, and select stream quality based on the speed. ## Potential Security Issue The primary concern mentioned in the issue is "Uncontrolled data used in path expression," which typically refers to vulnerabilities where user inputs or external data are used to construct file paths without proper validation. This can lead to security issues such as path traversal attacks. ## Key Areas to Review 1. **Stream URL Handling**: - The stream URL is taken as an input from the user via command-line arguments. - The URL is used directly in methods like `initialise_stream` and `select_quality_based_on_speed`. 2. **Path Expressions**: - Although the primary functionality revolves around video streams, it's crucial to ensure that any path expressions derived from user inputs are sanitized. ## Detailed Analysis ### Stream URL Handling The stream URL is provided by the user through command-line arguments and is used in several methods: - `initialise_stream(self, stream_url: str) -> None` - `select_quality_based_on_speed(self) -> str | None` - `capture_generic_frames(self) -> Generator[tuple[cv2.Mat, float], None, None>` #### Code Snippet ```python parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Capture video stream frames.', ) parser.add_argument( '--url', type=str, help='Live stream URL', required=True, ) args = parser.parse_args() stream_capture = StreamCapture(args.url) ``` ### Potential Issues 1. **Unvalidated URL**: - The URL is taken directly from user input without any validation or sanitization. - If the URL is malformed or contains malicious content, it could lead to unexpected behavior or security vulnerabilities. 2. **Path Traversal**: - Although the current implementation does not directly construct file paths from the URL, it's good practice to validate and sanitize any user input that could potentially be used in path expressions. ## Recommendations ### URL Validation Implement a validation mechanism to ensure that the provided URL is well-formed and points to a legitimate video stream. This can be done using regular expressions or URL parsing libraries. #### Example ```python from urllib.parse import urlparse def is_valid_url(url: str) -> bool: try: result = urlparse(url) return all([result.scheme, result.netloc]) except ValueError: return False # Usage if not is_valid_url(args.url): raise ValueError("Invalid URL provided") ``` ### Sanitization Ensure that any user input is sanitized before being used in the application. This includes stripping out any potentially harmful characters or sequences. ### Additional Security Measures - **Error Handling**: Implement robust error handling to manage exceptions that may arise from invalid URLs or failed stream initializations. - **Logging**: Log any suspicious activities or errors for further analysis. ## Conclusion The primary concern in `src/stream_capture.py` is the handling of the stream URL provided by the user. By implementing URL validation and sanitization, we can mitigate potential security risks associated with uncontrolled data used in path expressions. The current implementation does not directly construct file paths from the URL, but it's essential to follow best practices to ensure the overall security of the application.
Changes on src/live_stream_detection.py # Bug Analysis Report for `src/live_stream_detection.py` ## Summary The file `src/live_stream_detection.py` is part of a live stream detection system using YOLOv8 with SAHI. The primary concern is the potential for uncontrolled data being used in path expressions, which could lead to security vulnerabilities such as path traversal attacks. ## Key Areas of Concern 1. **User Inputs in Path Expressions**: - The `output_folder` parameter in the `LiveStreamDetector` class constructor. - The `stream_url` parameter in the `run_detection` method. - The `model_key` parameter in the `generate_detections_local` method. 2. **External Data in Path Expressions**: - The `model_path` in the `generate_detections_local` method. ## Detailed Analysis ### 1. `output_folder` Parameter The `output_folder` parameter is used to specify the folder where detected frames are saved. This parameter is directly taken from user input without any validation or sanitization. **Potential Issue**: - If not properly sanitized, this could allow path traversal attacks, where an attacker could specify a path that leads outside the intended directory. **Recommendation**: - Validate and sanitize the `output_folder` parameter to ensure it does not contain any malicious path traversal sequences. ### 2. `stream_url` Parameter The `stream_url` parameter is used to specify the URL of the live stream. This parameter is directly taken from user input without any validation or sanitization. **Potential Issue**: - Although this parameter is not directly used in path expressions, it is crucial to validate URLs to prevent potential injection attacks or accessing unauthorized resources. **Recommendation**: - Validate the `stream_url` parameter to ensure it is a well-formed URL and points to an authorized resource. ### 3. `model_key` Parameter The `model_key` parameter is used to specify the model key for detection. This parameter is directly taken from user input without any validation or sanitization. **Potential Issue**: - This parameter is used to construct the `model_path` in the `generate_detections_local` method. If not properly sanitized, it could lead to path traversal attacks. **Recommendation**: - Validate and sanitize the `model_key` parameter to ensure it does not contain any malicious path traversal sequences. ### 4. `model_path` in `generate_detections_local` Method The `model_path` is constructed using the `model_key` parameter and a predefined directory. **Potential Issue**: - If the `model_key` parameter is not sanitized, it could lead to path traversal attacks. **Recommendation**: - Ensure that the `model_key` parameter is sanitized before constructing the `model_path`. ## Code Recommendations ### Sanitizing `output_folder` ```python from pathlib import Path def sanitize_path(path: str) -> str: # Resolve the path to its absolute form and ensure it is within a safe directory safe_base = Path("/safe/directory").resolve() resolved_path = (safe_base / path).resolve() if not resolved_path.is_relative_to(safe_base): raise ValueError("Unsafe path detected") return str(resolved_path) # Usage in the constructor self.output_folder = sanitize_path(output_folder) if output_folder else None ``` ### Validating `stream_url` ```python from urllib.parse import urlparse def validate_url(url: str) -> str: result = urlparse(url) if all([result.scheme, result.netloc]): return url else: raise ValueError("Invalid URL") # Usage in the run_detection method stream_url = validate_url(stream_url) ``` ### Sanitizing `model_key` ```python import re def sanitize_model_key(model_key: str) -> str: if not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$', model_key): raise ValueError("Invalid model key") return model_key # Usage in the constructor and generate_detections_local method self.model_key = sanitize_model_key(model_key) model_path = Path('models/pt/') / f"best_{self.model_key}.pt" ``` ## Conclusion The primary issue in this file is the lack of validation and sanitization of user inputs and external data used in path expressions. By implementing the recommended changes, we can mitigate the risk of path traversal attacks and ensure the security of the application.
Changes on src/stream_viewer.py ## Analysis Report for `src/stream_viewer.py` ### Overview The `StreamViewer` class in `src/stream_viewer.py` is designed to handle the viewing of video streams from various sources such as RTSP and HTTP. The class initializes with a stream URL and a window name, captures frames from the video stream, and displays them in a window. ### Potential Security Issue The primary concern in this file, as per the issue description, is the use of uncontrolled data in path expressions. Specifically, the `stream_url` parameter is taken as an input and used directly to initialize the video capture object (`cv2.VideoCapture`). This could potentially lead to security issues if the `stream_url` is not properly validated or sanitized. ### Key Areas to Review 1. **Initialization of `stream_url`**: - The `stream_url` is passed directly to `cv2.VideoCapture` without any validation. - If `stream_url` is derived from user input or an external source, it could be manipulated to point to unintended resources. 2. **Display Stream Method**: - The method `display_stream` continuously captures and displays frames from the video stream. - There is no direct path manipulation here, but the integrity of the stream URL is crucial. ### Recommendations 1. **Sanitize and Validate `stream_url`**: - Ensure that the `stream_url` is validated to confirm it is a legitimate URL and points to an expected resource. - Consider using a whitelist of allowed domains or patterns to restrict the URLs that can be used. 2. **Error Handling**: - Improve error handling to provide more informative messages and possibly log suspicious activities. - For example, if the stream URL fails to initialize, it should provide a clear error message. ### Example Implementation Here is an example of how you might implement URL validation and sanitization: ```python from urllib.parse import urlparse import re class StreamViewer: """ A class to handle the viewing of video streams (RTSP, HTTP, etc.). """ def __init__(self, stream_url: str, window_name: str = 'Stream Viewer'): """ Initialises the StreamViewer instance with a stream URL and a window name. Args: stream_url (str): The URL of the video stream. window_name (str): The name of the window where the stream will be displayed. """ if not self.is_valid_url(stream_url): raise ValueError(f"Invalid stream URL: {stream_url}") self.stream_url = stream_url self.window_name = window_name self.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(self.stream_url) def is_valid_url(self, url: str) -> bool: """ Validates the given URL to ensure it is a proper HTTP/RTSP URL. Args: url (str): The URL to validate. Returns: bool: True if the URL is valid, False otherwise. """ parsed_url = urlparse(url) if parsed_url.scheme not in ['http', 'https', 'rtsp']: return False # Optional: Add more checks, such as allowed domains or patterns allowed_domains = ['kctmc.nat.gov.tw'] if parsed_url.hostname not in allowed_domains: return False return True def display_stream(self): """ Displays the video stream in a window. Continuously captures frames from the video stream and displays them. The loop breaks when 'q' is pressed or if the stream cannot be retrieved. """ while True: # Capture the next frame from the stream. ret, frame = self.cap.read() # If the frame was successfully retrieved. if ret: # Display the video frame. cv2.imshow(self.window_name, frame) # Break the loop if 'q' is pressed. if cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF == ord('q'): break else: print('Failed to retrieve frame.') break # Release the video capture object and close all OpenCV windows. self.release_resources() def release_resources(self): """ Releases resources used by the StreamViewer. """ self.cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows() if __name__ == '__main__': # Replace 'video_url' with your stream URL. video_url = ( 'https://cctv4.kctmc.nat.gov.tw/50204bfc/' ) viewer = StreamViewer(video_url) viewer.display_stream() ``` ### Conclusion The primary issue in this file is the lack of validation for the `stream_url` parameter. By implementing URL validation and sanitization, we can mitigate the risk of using uncontrolled data in path expressions and ensure the security of the application.
Changes on src/model_fetcher.py # Analysis Report for `src/model_fetcher.py` ## Overview The `src/model_fetcher.py` script is responsible for downloading model files from specified URLs and saving them to a local directory. The main function iterates over a dictionary of model names and URLs, invoking the `download_model` function to handle the download process. ## Potential Security Issue The primary concern in this script is the use of uncontrolled data in path expressions, which can lead to security vulnerabilities such as path traversal attacks. Specifically, the `model_name` parameter is used to construct file paths without any validation or sanitization. ## Detailed Analysis 1. **Path Construction**: ```python LOCAL_MODEL_DIRECTORY = Path('models/pt/') local_file_path = LOCAL_MODEL_DIRECTORY / model_name ``` - The `model_name` is directly used to construct the `local_file_path`. If `model_name` contains malicious input (e.g., `../` sequences), it could lead to path traversal, allowing an attacker to write files outside the intended directory. 2. **File Existence Check**: ```python if local_file_path.exists(): print(f"'{model_name}' exists. Skipping download.") return ``` - This check ensures that the file is not downloaded if it already exists, but it does not mitigate the risk of path traversal. 3. **File Writing**: ```python with open(local_file_path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): f.write(chunk) ``` - The file is written to the path specified by `local_file_path`, which could be manipulated if `model_name` is not properly sanitized. ## Recommendations To mitigate the risk of path traversal and ensure the safety of file paths, the following steps should be taken: 1. **Sanitize `model_name`**: - Ensure that `model_name` does not contain any path traversal sequences or other malicious input. This can be done by validating the input against a whitelist of allowed characters or patterns. 2. **Use Safe Path Construction**: - Use functions that safely join paths and prevent traversal, such as `os.path.join` with additional checks. 3. **Implement Validation**: - Add validation logic to ensure that the constructed path is within the intended directory. ### Example Implementation Here is an example of how to implement these recommendations: ```python from __future__ import annotations from pathlib import Path from typing import TypedDict import os import requests class ModelInfo(TypedDict): model_name: str url: str def sanitize_model_name(model_name: str) -> str: # Allow only alphanumeric characters and underscores in model names if not model_name.isalnum() and "_" not in model_name: raise ValueError("Invalid model name") return model_name def download_model(model_name, url): """ Download a model file if it doesn't already exist. Args: model_name (str): The name of the model file. url (str): The URL of the model file. """ # Sanitize the model name model_name = sanitize_model_name(model_name) # Define the local directory to store the model files LOCAL_MODEL_DIRECTORY = Path('models/pt/') # Ensure the local directory exists LOCAL_MODEL_DIRECTORY.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Build the full local file path local_file_path = LOCAL_MODEL_DIRECTORY / model_name # Check if the model already exists if local_file_path.exists(): print(f"'{model_name}' exists. Skipping download.") return # Send an HTTP GET request to fetch the model file response = requests.get(url, stream=True) if response.status_code == 200: # Begin the download and write to the file with open(local_file_path, 'wb') as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): f.write(chunk) print(f"'{model_name}' saved to '{local_file_path}'.") else: print(f"Error downloading '{model_name}': {response.status_code}") def main(): # Define the URLs for the model files MODEL_URLS = { 'best_yolov8l.pt': 'http://changdar-server.mooo.com:28000/models/best_yolov8l.pt', 'best_yolov8x.pt': 'http://changdar-server.mooo.com:28000/models/best_yolov8x.pt', } # Iterate over all models and download them if they don't already exist for model_name, url in MODEL_URLS.items(): download_model(model_name, url) if __name__ == '__main__': main() ``` ## Conclusion The primary issue in the `src/model_fetcher.py` file is the lack of sanitization and validation of the `model_name` parameter, which can lead to path traversal vulnerabilities. By implementing the recommended changes, the script can be made more secure and resilient against such attacks.