播放1080p视频卡死:06-27 16:54:42.580 22594-22610/io.vov.vitamio.demo E/OMXCodec: [OMX.allwinner.video.decoder.avc] Codec's input buffers are too small to accomodate buffer read from source (info->mSize = 131072, srcLength = 180914) #472
06-27 16:54:42.580 22594-22610/io.vov.vitamio.demo E/OMXCodec: [OMX.allwinner.video.decoder.avc] Codec's input buffers are too small to accomodate buffer read from source (info->mSize = 131072, srcLength = 180914)
06-27 16:54:42.580 22594-22610/io.vov.vitamio.demo E/OMXCodec: [OMX.allwinner.video.decoder.avc] Codec's input buffers are too small to accomodate buffer read from source (info->mSize = 131072, srcLength = 180914)