yogeshtakeo / BFS_51

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Project Movie Manager #10

Open yogeshtakeo opened 1 month ago

yogeshtakeo commented 1 month ago

Project: Build a Movie Search Application using React, Vite, and State Management

Objective: Build a movie search application in React using the Vite build tool and manage state using the Context API or Redux.

Task Overview

Task Details

  1. Project Setup:

    • Set up a new React project using the Vite build tool.
    • Install necessary dependencies, including React, Vite, and either React Context or Redux.
    • Configure the project structure and necessary files.
  2. Design and Implement Components:

    • Create a component for the search bar (SearchBar) to allow users to input their movie search queries.
    • Implement a component for displaying search results (SearchResults) to render the fetched movie data.
    • Design and implement any additional components you deem necessary.
  3. Manage State with Context API or Redux: (optional)

    • Set up and configure either the Context API or Redux for state management in your application.
    • Create a context or store to hold the movie search results and other relevant data.
    • Implement actions or reducers to update the state based on user interactions, such as submitting a search query.
  4. Connect to the Movies and TV Shows Database API:

    • Utilize the Movies and TV Shows Database API available at RapidAPI to fetch movie data based on the user's search query.
    • You have to create an account on Rapid API to use the App.
    • Review the API documentation for authentication and request formats.
    • Implement the necessary logic to send requests to the API and handle the response.
    • Update the state with the fetched movie data.
  5. Display Movie Search Results:

    • Pass the movie search results from the state to the SearchResults component.
    • Render the movie data, such as movie titles, posters, release dates, or any other relevant information.
  6. Adding functionality

    • Add a detail page into the movie where can see the movie's data on single.
    • Suggest the user some more movies from the movie library
    • Make sure you can edit the data on the store ( if you have it) or on the state and see the changes
    • You should not be deleting that only Update Read and Create.
  7. Test and Refine:

    • Start the development server and run the React project using Vite.
    • Verify that the search bar and search results components are rendered correctly.
    • Test the movie search functionality by entering different search queries and verifying that relevant movie data is displayed.
    • Make adjustments and refinements to the design, functionality, or state management as needed.

Task Submission

AnanMoktan commented 1 month ago

github link: https://github.com/manojsingh49/moviemanager


samsub1111 commented 1 month ago

Movie Project by @tarunChand28298 (Tharun) and @samsub1111 (Subarna) Github link: https://github.com/samsub1111/takeo-frontend-movie.git


cbohra commented 1 month ago

https://github.com/cbohra/Movie_manager.git Chirag and Dinisha https://iridescent-bienenstitch-b86ae0.netlify.app/


cbohra commented 1 month ago
