yohang / CalendR

The missing PHP 5.3+ calendar management library.
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I am trying to build a simple calendar how can I access the day's date #21

Closed TomClarkson closed 11 years ago

TomClarkson commented 11 years ago

object(CalendR\Period\Week)#567 (4) { ["current":"CalendR\Period\Week":private]=> NULL ["begin":protected]=> object(DateTime)#566 (3) { ["date"]=> string(19) "2012-04-02 00:00:00" ["timezone_type"]=> int(3) ["timezone"]=> string(3) "UTC" } ["end":protected]=> object(DateTime)#587 (3) { ["date"]=> string(19) "2012-04-09 00:00:00" ["timezone_type"]=> int(3) ["timezone"]=> string(3) "UTC" } ["firstWeekday":protected]=> int(1) }

when I go echo $day->begin->date I get Cannot access protected property CalendR\Period\Day::$begin

yohang commented 11 years ago


Just use the format($format) method to display the date in wanted format


Or use the getters :

class DateTime#1 (3) {
  public $date =>
TomClarkson commented 11 years ago

Thanks for your help with this. I have been reading the docs for http://yohan.giarel.li/CalendR/events.html but I am still unsure how to integrate it with my Laravel 4 project.

I have a lessons table which I was trying to show as events on a calendar on a monthly basis. My table is as follows.

id teacher_id language_taught_id language_known_id start_date end_date places price created_at updated_at

Here is my attempt at getting it to work http://paste.laravel.com/wwi

Could you please tell me how I make my events compatible with CalendR's


yohang commented 11 years ago

Try to return your events in the provider.