young-europe / Members-Platform-bug-reports

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Display Event Email and Event Coordinators on Event Main Page #156

Open emilyusner opened 3 years ago

emilyusner commented 3 years ago

Feature description

On the right side of the Event Main Page there is currently a column titled Event Details that only includes the Event dates. It would be very useful if information such as the Event Email address and the Event Coordinators would be displayed there as well to give a better overview for potential applicants etc.


In order to do so a feature to add these infos would be needed for Admins when editing the Event. For example similiarly to the features that let Admins add Links or Attachments to Events.


Problem and motivation

At the moment the Event Main Page doesn't provide information on the possibilities applicants or participants have to directly contact Event Coordinators or Organisers. However, this was a feature we had on the old Platform and that was well used in our NC.

Is this something you're interested in working on