youseries / ureport

UReport2 is a high-performance pure Java report engine based on Spring architecture, where complex Chinese-style statements and reports can be prepared by iterating over cells.
Apache License 2.0
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述我直言,ureport就是个垃圾 #590

Closed sky-max-hub closed 12 months ago

sky-max-hub commented 1 year ago
  1. 教程案例极少
  2. 界面拉跨到极致
  3. 左父格,上父格的概念新手难以理解,理解了之后才发现这货就是个SB,可以实现挺复杂的效果,但就是没什么用,谁用这货处理复杂报表简直要笑死人,目前用到的地方也就是合并单元格,但是处理起来体验也是极其差的。
  4. 单元格为空值,不能做合并单元格的效果
  5. 单元格格式默认格式为数字,java类型为BigDecimal,极其恶心的默认值设定。