ysoldak / HeadTracker

Zero configuration, auto-calibrating wireless DIY Head Tracker, for Nano 33 BLE and XIAO BLE Sense boards
The Unlicense
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Is a base for DJI Goggles 2 existing #49

Open boomerschnecke opened 2 months ago

boomerschnecke commented 2 months ago

Hi looking for a XIAO Base to be used for my DJI Goggles 2. Or could I use one of the DJI Integra XIAO BLE Base for Goggles 2? Could you please provide some detailed photos how this should be mounted and fitted? Do I have to modify the foam? Or is it possible to use without faom modification? Thank you

ysoldak commented 2 months ago

Please see here and respective STL file


ysoldak commented 2 months ago

DJI Integra and goggles 2 is the same. No foam modification needed.

boomerschnecke commented 2 months ago

Thanks a lot for your quick reply. The issue is, that Goggles 2 is not having this "handle bar" at the top of the Goggles. So there is no possibility to click this "base" in. Thats why a ask if something additional specially for Goggles 2 is existing. Or do I have to glue it on the foam? https://store.dji.com/de/product/dji-goggles-2?vid=127611&from=search-result-v2&position=1&total_result=46 https://store.dji.com/de/product/dji-goggles-integra?vid=135261&from=search-result-v2&position=0&total_result=13 Have a look to the top in the middle of goggles

ysoldak commented 2 months ago

Oh, my bad, I have Integra only and for some reason assumed Goggles 2 have top strap also. Well, no then, nothing specific exists for Googles 2 yet. Will write here if/when we have a solution.