yt6983138 / PSLDiscordBot

Phigros Score Lookup Discord bot
MIT License
8 stars 0 forks source link

Requires cloud save (aka TapTap)

What is this?

This is a Phigros Score Lookup Discord bot (aka PSLDiscordBot),
you can get your scores by using /get-photo, /get-scores or /export-scores etc.
Here are some pictures showcasing:
/get-photo, huge thanks to discord user Foxtrot for UI rework! image
/get-scores image
/about-me image

Discord server

How to use this?


For developer

Resources are in
You can add your custom command by adding function in Dictionary Commands in Program.cs, please see following example:

// look at CommandBase.cs for more info
// attribute to add to global command, without this command wont be added
public class HelpCommand : // CommandBase or GuestCommandBase or AdminCommandBase, depends on comand type
    public override string Name => /* command name */;
    public override string Description => /* command description */;

    public override SlashCommandBuilder CompleteBuilder =>
    // use .AddOption to add option and add other things

    public override async Task Callback(
        SocketSlashCommand arg, 
        UserData? data, 
        DataBaseService.DbDataRequester requester, 
        object executer)
        // actual callback, note you do not need arg.DeferAsync, already did that in Execute

When you publish:
This is a cross platform project, just remember do not compile with "trim unused code", it will break json things.
Also, remember to install Saira and Saira ExtraCondensed fonts (otherwise it will use whatever font the system has).