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[YSQL] Support DDL operations within transaction #1404

Open ndeodhar opened 5 years ago

ndeodhar commented 5 years ago

Jira Link: DB-1367

In YSQL DDL execution mostly follows the same logic and code as in Postgres. However, there are several additional complexities

  1. the catalog metadata need to be safely replicated across multiple nodes and caches on all nodes appropriately invalidated
  2. storage (DocDB) objects (e.g. tablets and associated SST files, Raft groups, etc.) need to be created and modified This tracking issue covers the roadmap to getting Postgres-compatible behavior with respect to DDL transactions.

Phase 1: Limited Transactional DDL

In this stage, Postgres metadata changes are run in an autonomous transaction for each DDL statement. This means standalone DDL statements behaves essentially like postgres when it comes to the Postgres catalog modifications. However:

  1. In specific cases, DocDB object modifications could fail without getting rolled back. These are done at the end (just before DDL transaction commit), but it is still possible for a failed DDL to not fully roll back DocDB changes (and require manual SQL commands to repair).
  2. For DDLs within transaction blocks, autonomous transaction means that in case the transaction block is rolled back, all executed DDL statements remain applied.
Status Task Comments
[YSQL] Limited transactional DDL: execute each DDL statement in its own separate transaction #3108 Done in https://github.com/yugabyte/yugabyte-db/commit/b68b84bfd46b6a771d828c66477a477aa0f71844

Phase 2: Full DDL Atomicity

In this stage, storage (DocDB) object modifications are also associated with the DDL transaction and are automatically rolled back in case the parent DDL transaction fails for any reason. So this addresses limitation 1. above.

Status Task Comments
[YSQL] YSQL DDL Atomicity #13358 Done in multiple commits. Turned on by default in https://github.com/yugabyte/yugabyte-db/issues/22097.

Phase 3: Full transaction DDL

Transaction block of DDL and DML statements execute in the same transaction (like in Postgres). This addresses limitation 2. above.

Status Task Comments
🕓 [YSQL] Full transactional DDL: allow arbitrary mix of DDL and DML in transactions #3109 Currently in progress.
rkarthik007 commented 5 years ago

This is being used by Hasura also IIRC, so good feature to add!

sorenisanerd commented 4 years ago

If not slated for v2.0, when can we expect to see this. Transactional DDL is a key feature of Postgres over e.g. Oracle.

What happens if I attemt to execute DDL inside a transaction with current yugabyte?

sorenisanerd commented 4 years ago

Does yugabyte suffer from this specific limitation, too? https://www.cockroachlabs.com/docs/stable/online-schema-changes.html#schema-change-ddl-statements-inside-a-multi-statement-transaction-can-fail-while-other-statements-succeed

It violates the promises of a transaction.

sf-kansara commented 3 years ago

A workaround for this would be to do DDL changes inside BEGIN block and "undo" all those changes in EXCEPTION block.

-- Setup
CREATE TABLE public.test_table_2
    id SERIAL,
    name VARCHAR(30),
    CONSTRAINT test_table_2_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
INSERT INTO public.test_table_2(name) VALUES ('John Doe');
INSERT INTO public.test_table_2(name) VALUES ('John Dough');

DDL change management

DO $$ 
    INSERT INTO public.test_table_2(name) VALUES ('abc');
    ALTER TABLE public.test_table_2 ADD COLUMN new_column VARCHAR(2) DEFAULT NULL;
    INSERT INTO public.test_table_2(name, new_column) VALUES ('abc', 'abcdefgh');
    ALTER TABLE public.test_table_2 DROP COLUMN new_column;
END $$;

Notice that first "legal" insert is also rolled back and we manually reverted DDL changes in EXCEPTION block.

sybbear commented 1 year ago

Very much needed feature for intensely evolving DB schema. Any plans to implement this in the near future?

78bits commented 6 months ago

can we vote this issue up a bit ? Yugabyte is not usable when creeate/drop table operations can cause incosistent states for the database

78bits commented 4 months ago

The task just links back to this thread. The lack of this feature renders Yugabyte unusable for every projects that rely on automigrations

mrajcevic01 commented 3 months ago

@78bits @sybbear @sorenisanerd we have updated this issue with additional insights into the work we have been putting into the phased approach of supporting DDL operations within transactions. Please let us know if you have additional questions.

78bits commented 3 months ago

Great to hear, but it still does not work. I picked up on the good news and started a quick test :

  1. firing up a yugabyte instance from docker (version version build 1)
  2. running this query ``create schema test;


rollback; begin;

drop table if exists test.value_types cascade; CREATE TABLE test.value_types ( id UUID NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4(), type VARCHAR NOT NULL, description VARCHAR NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT "value_types_primary" PRIMARY KEY (id) );

INSERT INTO test.value_types (type, description) VALUES ('int', 'Integer -2^32 .. +2^32'), ('float', 'Floating value'), ('string', 'String value');

drop table if exists test.entries; CREATE TABLE test.entries ( id UUID NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v4() PRIMARY KEY, type_id UUID NOT null REFERENCES test.value_types (id) );


select * from test.entries;``` The transaction fails, but the tables are created anyhow.

mrajcevic01 commented 3 months ago

@78bits did you enable the flags called out #22097 before attempting this? I am reaching out internally to confirm but it does not appear that these will be enabled by default until v2024.1 (which should be available here soon)

EDIT: I was able to confirm that we enabled this by default in v2024.1. We do not recommend using it in v2.20+ because some recent bug fixes were only made in 2024.1 but not backported earlier.

78bits commented 3 months ago

Adding those flags (--ysql_yb_ddl_rollback_enabled,--report_ysql_ddl_txn_status_to_master,--ysql_ddl_transaction_wait_for_ddl_verification) made the script work. Thank you

xiaoliwe commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, guys, for this problem, do you have any solutions? Temporary

78bits commented 2 weeks ago

No unfortunateley not, this missing feature renders yugabyte unusable for us sadly. We are waiting on it one day :)