yxgeee / OpenIBL

[ECCV-2020 (spotlight)] Self-supervising Fine-grained Region Similarities for Large-scale Image Localization. 🌏 PyTorch open-source toolbox for image-based localization (place recognition).
MIT License
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Test on RParis and ROxford dataset #32

Open Barry-Liang opened 2 years ago

Barry-Liang commented 2 years ago

Thank you for open-sourcing the code and the detailed documentation. I want to know whether you evaluate the model on Rparis and ROxford datasets. I have tried to evaluate it using the image processing configuration in your document [https://github.com/yxgeee/OpenIBL#:~:text=Start%20without%20Installation-,Extract%20descriptor%20for%20a%20single%20image,-import%20torch%0Afrom] but got poor performance on mAP score (ROxf:Medium 42.57, ROxford:Hard 19.25, RPar:Medium 44.8 RPar:Hard 20.27). Do you have any idea about it? I think it should not be like this. Something may be wrong in image processing but not related to the model itself. (I use your model_best.pth.tar and the corresponding pca parameters). I am looking forward to your reply.