zalando-zmon / zmon-controller

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Login from grafana URL should continue to intended dashboard (not redirect to default zmon) #484

Open ePaul opened 6 years ago

ePaul commented 6 years ago

Wrong behavior

When opening two different ZMON UI pages at the same time in two browser tabs (e.g. two dashboards, like and using a bookmark folder's "open all" function) when not yet logged in in ZMON (e.g. after switching on the computer), the effect of the login-redirect dance is that then both tabs show the same page (one of the two).

This also sometimes seems to happen when the cookie's life time runs out and my ZMONs UIs running in several browser tabs do this redirect to fetch a new one, ending up with several tabs with the same page.

(This behavior is not new, I'm observing this for a long time already. I just only now got around to write an issue.)

Expected behavior

When opening a a ZMON link, I end up at the correct page, whether or not other pages are opened at the same time.

hjacobs commented 6 years ago

Can we prioritize the fix for this? The behaviour is currently annoying..

Jan-M commented 6 years ago

This is two different issues described here.

1) Remembering Grafana deep links cross login 2) Per tab redirect support to different URLs

ePaul commented 6 years ago

@Jan-M I'm not talking about Grafana, just the normal alerting dashboards. (I'm one of the crazy people who is monitoring stuff for several teams.)

It might happen for Grafana too, I'm not really using that other than for troubleshooting.

ad-z commented 6 years ago

Fixing issue 1. mentioned by @Jan-M who already be a huge time (and brain cell) saver.

ad-z commented 5 years ago

Any news about this?