This is a standalone repository for the local command line version of BART (v2.0).
For the source code of BART web interface, please refer to:
For the custom code for processing the data and generating the figures in the manuscript of BARTweb: a web server for transcriptional regulator association analysis, please refer to:
BART (Binding Analysis for Regulation of Transcription) is a bioinformatics tool for predicting functional transcriptional regulators (TRs) that bind at genomic cis-regulatory regions to regulate gene expression in the human or mouse genomes, taking a query gene set, a ChIP-seq dataset or a scored genomic region set as input. BART leverages over 7,000 human TR binding profiles and over 5,000 mouse TR binding profiles from the public domain (collected in Cistrome Data Browser) to make the prediction.
BART is implemented in Python and distributed as an open-source package along with necessary data libraries.
BART web interface (Beta version) can be accessed here.
BART is developed and maintained by the Chongzhi Zang Lab at the University of Virginia.
BART uses Python's distutils tools for source installation. Before installing BART, please make sure Python3 and the following python packages are installed. We highly recommend the Anaconda environment, which include all the required python packages.
You have to download the Human or Mouse Data Library under your own directory before install BART. The unpacked libraries occupy 14GB hard drive storage in the download directory.
wget -O hg38_library.tar.gz
tar zxf hg38_library.tar.gz
wget -O mm10_library.tar.gz
tar zxf mm10_library.tar.gz
To install a source distribution of BART, unpack the distribution tarball and go to the directory where you unpacked BART.
wget -O bart_v2.0.tar.gz
tar zxf bart_v2.0.tar.gz
cd bart_v2.0
Modify the configure file (bart2/bart.conf). For example, if you have the hg38_library (or mm10_library) downloaded in this directory: /abc/def/hg38_library (or /abc/def/mm10_library), then the bart.conf file should read:
hg38_library_dir = /abc/def/
mm10_library_dir = /abc/def/
Install with root/administrator permission, or you have the Anaconda environment prepared. By default, the script will install python library and executable codes globally.
python install
If you want to install everything under a specific directory, for example, a directory as /path/to/bart2/, use the following commands.
mkdir -p /path/to/bart/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/bart/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH
python install --prefix /path/to/bart
export PATH=/path/to/bart/bin/:$PATH
In this value, X.Y stands for the major–minor version of Python you are using (such as 3.5 ; you can find this with sys.version[:3] from a Python command line).
You’ll need to modify the environment variables and add those lines in your bash file (varies on each platform, usually is ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile).
export PYTHONPATH= "/path/to/bart/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/:$PYTHONPATH"
export PATH="/path/to/bart/bin/:$PATH"
{geneset, profile, region}
Given a query gene set in official gene symbols (HGNC for human or MGI for mouse) in text format (each gene in a row, at least 100 genes recommended), predict functional TRs that regulate these genes.
Usage: bart2 geneset -i genelist.txt -s hg38 --outdir bart2_output
Given a ChIP-seq data file (mapped reads in BAM or BED format in either hg38 or mm10), predict TRs whose binding pattern associates with the input ChIP-seq profile.
Usage: bart2 profile -i ChIP.bam -f bam -s hg38 --outdir bart2_output
Given a scored genomic region set (BED format in either hg38 or mm10), predict TRs enriched in this genomic region set.
Usage: bart2 region -i ChIPpeak.bed -c 4 -s hg38 --outdir bart2_output
: Size of bin used to estimate ROC AUC. Default is 1000 for geneset and profile mode, 50 for region mode. Setting it lower will guarantees a more precise calculation, with greater time cost.
Please refer here for an example of BART2 results.
If you use BART in your data analysis, please cite:
BART: a transcription factor prediction tool with query gene sets or epigenomic profiles
Zhenjia Wang, Mete Civelek, Clint Miller, Nathan Sheffield, Michael J. Guertin, Chongzhi Zang. Bioinformatics 34, 2867–2869 (2018)