zarfld / LinuxCnc_PokeysLibComp

Pokeys comp for LinuxCnc using
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Create a New Userspace Component for PoKeys in Subfolder 'pokeys_userspace' #25

Open zarfld opened 2 days ago

zarfld commented 2 days ago

Issue: Create a New Userspace Component for PoKeys in Subfolder 'pokeys_userspace'


The current pokeys.comp file is too large for Copilot Workspace to process effectively. To resolve this, a new userspace component implementation for PoKeys should be created and organized in a separate subfolder called pokeys_userspace. This will help manage file size limitations and improve modularity.

Task Details

  1. Create Subfolder:

    • Create a new subfolder in the repository: pokeys_userspace.
    • This folder will contain the new userspace component implementation for PoKeys, which is based on pokeys.comp.
  2. Copy and Refactor pokeys.comp:

    • Copy the contents of the existing pokeys.comp file into a new component file within the pokeys_userspace folder.
    • Refactor the code as necessary to split it into smaller, more manageable pieces, while ensuring that the overall functionality remains the same.
  3. Improve Modularity:

    • Divide the code into logical sections (e.g., digital IO, analog IO, PEv2, counters, etc.), and implement these sections as separate files within the pokeys_userspace folder.
    • Ensure that the interface between different modules is clearly defined and adheres to LinuxCNC standards.
  4. Link the New Component:

    • Update the build system or HAL file to include the new userspace component from pokeys_userspace.
    • Ensure that the new component can be called and used in the same way as the original pokeys.comp.
  5. Testing:

    • Thoroughly test the new userspace component to ensure it works as expected.
    • Verify that all functionality from the original pokeys.comp has been retained and operates correctly in the modularized version.

Expected Outcome

Reference Files and Directories


zarfld commented 2 days ago

in 'used_Manuals\PoKeys57CNC user manual.pdf' find description for "PoKeys configuration options"

zarfld commented 2 days ago

in 'PoKeys Pulse engine v2 manual (6.3.2016).pdf' find description of pulse engine.

zarfld commented 2 days ago

check 'pokeys.comp' for further implementation which are missing in 'pokeys_userspace'