zarfld / LinuxCnc_PokeysLibComp

Pokeys comp for LinuxCnc using
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Automated Releases and Versioning Process #68

Open zarfld opened 1 day ago

zarfld commented 1 day ago

Automated Releases and Versioning Process


To ensure consistent and reliable software delivery, we need to implement an automated release and versioning process for the project. This will help streamline the process of releasing new features, bug fixes, and updates while maintaining proper version control. Automating this process will also reduce human error, making it easier to manage multiple releases.


  1. Set Up Semantic Versioning:

    • Follow Semantic Versioning (SemVer) guidelines to ensure that versions are incremented based on:
      • MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes.
      • MINOR version when you add functionality in a backward-compatible manner.
      • PATCH version when you make backward-compatible bug fixes.
    • Ensure version numbers are updated in the appropriate files (e.g.,, package.json, or other relevant configuration files) with each release.
  2. Create GitHub Actions for Automated Releases:

    • Implement a GitHub Actions workflow to automate the release process.
    • Define different release triggers:
      • Push to the main branch: Automatically create a new release when changes are pushed to the main branch, depending on the version bump (e.g., patch, minor, or major).
      • Pull request merge: Automate pre-release creation when a pull request is merged into the main branch.
      • Tag creation: Automatically create a release when a new tag following SemVer is pushed.
    • Use GitHub’s Releases API to publish releases directly to GitHub.
  3. Generate Release Notes Automatically:

    • Configure GitHub Actions to automatically generate release notes from pull requests and commit messages using the GitHub Release Drafter.
    • Ensure each release includes:
      • New features and bug fixes.
      • Major updates and breaking changes.
      • Link to the related pull requests or commits.
      • Contributors to the release.
  4. Automate Changelog Updates:

    • Create a script to automatically update the with the latest release notes.
    • Ensure changelog entries follow a consistent format for tracking new features, improvements, and fixes.
  5. Artifact Generation and Packaging:

    • Ensure that binaries, documentation, and other relevant artifacts are automatically generated and attached to releases (e.g., deb packages, .tar.gz, or compiled binaries).
    • Artifacts should be properly versioned and stored in the release assets on GitHub.
  6. Publishing to External Package Managers (Optional):

    • If applicable, automate the process of publishing the release to external package managers like:
      • PyPI for Python packages.
      • npm for Node.js packages.
      • Docker Hub for container images.
      • Ensure credentials are securely stored in GitHub Secrets and configured in the GitHub Actions workflow.
  7. Pre-release Testing:

    • Set up automated pre-release testing as part of the workflow to ensure the release is stable.
    • Tests should include:
      • Unit tests.
      • Integration tests.
      • Compatibility checks.
    • Ensure only releases that pass these tests are published.
  8. Create Release Branches:

    • Implement a branch strategy for releases. For example:
      • Feature branches for ongoing work.
      • Release branches for finalizing a release.
      • Hotfix branches for patching bugs in a released version.
    • Merge release branches into the main branch after pre-release testing is successful.
  9. Document the Release Process:

    • Update the repository’s to provide clear instructions on how the automated release process works.
    • Include guidelines for versioning, tagging, and submitting changes that will be part of the next release.
  10. Version Tagging:

    • Ensure each release is tagged with a version in the format vMAJOR.MINOR.PATCH for easy identification and rollback if needed.

Acceptance Criteria:
