zarfld / LinuxCnc_PokeysLibComp

Pokeys comp for LinuxCnc using
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Modular and Scalable Codebase #69

Open zarfld opened 1 day ago

zarfld commented 1 day ago

Modular and Scalable Codebase


To ensure that the codebase remains maintainable and scalable as the project grows, we need to refactor and organize the code into well-defined, modular components. This will help isolate functionality, make the code easier to understand and modify, and allow for easier integration of new features or support for additional hardware and protocols.


  1. Identify Core Modules:

    • Break down the project into core modules based on functionality:
      • Digital IO Module: For handling all digital inputs and outputs.
      • Analog IO Module: For handling analog inputs and outputs.
      • PEv2 Module: For handling Pulse Engine v2 features (e.g., step generation, axis control).
      • Counter Module: For managing counter inputs.
      • PWM Module: For managing PWM output.
      • PoNet/CanBus Module: For handling communication with PoNet or CAN devices.
      • Utility Modules: Shared utilities, logging, error handling, etc.
  2. Decouple Device-Specific Logic:

    • Separate device-specific logic from the main application logic.
    • For example, create a clear separation between the core PoKeys API (interaction with pokeyslib) and device-specific implementations in pokeys_py.
  3. Define Clear Interfaces for Each Module:

    • Implement a consistent and clear API for each module to ensure they can interact seamlessly.
    • For example, each module should have:
      • Setup method: For initializing and configuring the module.
      • Fetch method: To retrieve the current state or values.
      • Set method: To update state or send commands to the device.
  4. Implement Abstraction for Device Communication:

    • Abstract device communication into a common interface so that interactions with pokeyslib can be easily mocked or replaced.
    • Implement a generic structure for devices where new devices can be easily added without major code changes.
  5. Ensure Code Scalability:

    • Ensure that the code can handle an increasing number of devices, inputs, and outputs without becoming unmanageable.
    • Implement strategies such as lazy initialization, dynamic module loading, or automatic configuration discovery.
  6. Refactor Common Code into Utility Modules:

    • Identify common patterns (e.g., error handling, logging, configuration parsing) and refactor them into shared utility modules.
    • Make use of standard design patterns (e.g., Singleton for configuration, Factory for device creation).
  7. Enable Configuration through Files or Environment Variables:

    • Support modular configuration where each module can load its specific configuration from INI files, JSON, or environment variables.
    • Ensure that the system is flexible enough to allow users to adjust parameters without modifying the source code directly.
  8. Document Each Module:

    • Provide clear documentation for each module, including:
      • Purpose and functionality.
      • API methods and parameters.
      • Example use cases.
    • Update the overall project documentation to include the modular structure.
  9. Unit Testing for Each Module:

    • Implement unit tests for each module in isolation, with mocked device communication where necessary.
    • Ensure that each module is tested individually for correctness and performance.
  10. Review for Code Reusability and Extensibility:

    • Ensure that the refactored modules are reusable across different parts of the project and can be easily extended to support new functionality.

Acceptance Criteria:
