zarfld / LinuxCnc_PokeysLibComp

Pokeys comp for LinuxCnc using
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Code Review and Collaboration #72

Open zarfld opened 1 day ago

zarfld commented 1 day ago

Code Review and Collaboration


Code reviews are a crucial part of the development workflow, ensuring that changes are peer-reviewed, quality is maintained, and collaboration within the team is fostered. A structured and standardized code review process should be in place to facilitate efficient and productive collaboration. This will also help catch potential bugs and improve the overall quality of the codebase.


  1. Establish Code Review Guidelines:

    • Define and document the expectations for code reviews.
    • Include details on code style, documentation, testing, and performance.
    • Outline what constitutes an acceptable pull request (PR) size and complexity.
    • Define how to handle conflicting code or suggestions.
  2. Assign Reviewers:

    • Ensure every PR has at least one assigned reviewer.
    • Rotate reviewers to foster team-wide code familiarity.
    • Use automated tools (e.g., GitHub's "Reviewers" feature) to automatically assign reviewers based on expertise or ownership of the code section.
  3. Automate Code Review Checks:

    • Integrate automated tools (e.g., linters, style checkers, and static analysis tools) into the CI/CD pipeline.
    • Ensure code adheres to defined guidelines before requiring human review.
    • Run tests automatically on new pull requests to verify that no functionality is broken.
  4. Conduct Thorough Code Reviews:

    • Reviewers should focus on the following areas:
      • Code correctness.
      • Adherence to coding standards and best practices.
      • Proper documentation and comments.
      • Performance considerations.
      • Security implications.
      • Proper test coverage (unit tests, integration tests, etc.).
    • Encourage constructive feedback and suggestions for improvements.
    • Avoid nitpicking and focus on areas that have a meaningful impact.
  5. Collaborate on Changes:

    • Use inline comments in pull requests to suggest improvements.
    • Encourage collaboration between the author and reviewer(s) to resolve issues.
    • Use GitHub's "Request Changes" feature to mark changes that must be made before approval.
    • Ensure all comments and suggestions are addressed before the PR is merged.
  6. Set Clear Approval Criteria:

    • Define the minimum number of approvals required for a PR to be merged.
    • Use GitHub’s protection rules to enforce these criteria (e.g., "Require at least one approval before merging").
    • Make it clear when a PR is considered ready to merge.
  7. Facilitate Discussions and Knowledge Sharing:

    • Leverage the code review process to discuss architectural decisions, design patterns, or implementation strategies.
    • Create a space for team members to share knowledge and learn from each other’s feedback.
    • Encourage open communication and transparency during the review process.
  8. Track Review Progress:

    • Use GitHub’s tracking tools (e.g., issues, projects) to monitor the progress of code reviews.
    • Ensure PRs are not left in review for too long without feedback or action.
    • Set expectations for how long a review should take based on the complexity of the changes.
  9. Merge Strategy:

    • Once all comments are resolved and the PR is approved, merge the changes following the team’s agreed-upon strategy (e.g., squash merge, rebase and merge).
    • Ensure that the main branch remains stable and is frequently updated from feature or hotfix branches.
  10. Post-Merge Collaboration:

    • After merging, encourage the team to continue monitoring the changes in the main branch for any issues or regressions.
    • Encourage further discussion if the review process brought up important architectural or design questions.

Acceptance Criteria:
