Rate limiter:
Since there's currently no clear way to rate limit telegram functions, as bot support stated that messaging, forwarding and other function have different rate limitations and the limits are not specified.
Rate limitations just currently rate limit a user to avoid spam on the bot and still able to handle heavy usages.
It's now much easier to locally deploy the bot just by using:
python -m bot.main
Broadcast plugin:
Refactored broadcast plugin for readability and small but fix to make it follow the rate limiter.
Rate limiter: Since there's currently no clear way to rate limit telegram functions, as bot support stated that messaging, forwarding and other function have different rate limitations and the limits are not specified.
Rate limitations just currently rate limit a user to avoid spam on the bot and still able to handle heavy usages.
Deployment: It's now much easier to locally deploy the bot just by using:
Broadcast plugin: Refactored broadcast plugin for readability and small but fix to make it follow the rate limiter.