zcmarine / powerkube

A powerline segment to show kubernetes context items, with toggling and alert color functionality
Apache License 2.0
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import kubernetes_py as kubernetes ??? #2

Open donfranio opened 5 years ago

donfranio commented 5 years ago

I had to change the first line in init.py from import kubernetes to import kubernetes_py as kubernetes to make it work.

I am running on debian with kubernetes, kubernetes_py and powerkube installed via pip in userspace. My Colleague did the same on Linux mint and everything worked out of the box.

Why is that? Is there something to be fixed?

epishan commented 5 years ago

second that. faced the same issue with powerline-lint showing error about the import error

OhZedTee commented 5 years ago

Third that, I believe this is a Python 3 issue. Now running into issues with:

Error while checking theme (key /segments/left/list item 7/function)
found highlight group context not defined in the following colorschemes: solarized, default
(If not specified otherwise in documentation, highlight group for function segments
is the same as the function name.)
  in "/Users/<REDACTED>/.config/powerline/themes/shell/default.json", line 32, column 40:
     ...          "function": "powerkube.context",
epishan commented 5 years ago

@ori78 try adding one extra line into your ~/.config/powerline/colorschemes/shell/default.json for 'context' highlight group: "context": { "fg": "white", "bg": "gray6", "attrs": [] }