Closed S-iff closed 2 months ago
I have not seen this error message before. But it could be a problem of ALLHiC optimization. You can skip the optimization process using the parameter --skip_allhic
. I noticed that your contigs are very long (chromosome-level or near chromosome-level), and the clustering process may have some problems. You may also consider using the quick view mode instead. This approach can skip both the clustering step and the ALLHiC optimization process.
感谢您的建议,我在添加--quick_view参数后顺利运行完成了这一步。但我在运行下一步 Juicebox curation, bash juicebox.sh时的命令时,/path/to/HapHiC/utils/juicer/scripts/../utils/juicer pre -a -q 1 -o out_JBAT /share/org/HiFi/MMHiC.filtered.bam scaffolds.raw.agp MM.p_ctg.fa.fai >out_JBAT.log 2>&1报Segmentation fault (core dumped)的错误,询问服务器运维人员得知该代码可能自行引用了内存,但我所用集群是禁止程序自行使用内存的,不知这个情况能否解决。 / Line 9: ln -s /share/org/HiFi/MM.p_ctg.fa . ln: failed to create symbolic link './MM.p_ctg.fa': File exists Line 10: samtools faidx MM.p_ctg.fa Line 11: /share/org/HapHiC/scripts/../utils/juicer pre -a -q 1 -o out_JBAT /share/org/HiFi/MMHiC.filtered.bam scaffolds.raw.agp MM.p_ctg.fa.fai /share/org/HiFi/ line 11: 2377950 Segmentation fault (core dumped)
I am unsure of the limitations that your system administrators have set. However, it appears that all binary programs pre-compiled by me, including allhic and juicer, did not execute properly. I am uncertain if compiling these two programs yourself could resolve this issue. You can access the source code for these programs here: allhic (Golang) at and yahs (C language) at
Close this issue as there has been no response for two weeks.
I ran the command:
/share/org/HapHiC/haphic pipeline MM.p_ctg.fa MMHiC.filtered.bam 11
with the species karyotype of 2N=2X=22. The method used for genome assembly is "hifiasm + Hi-C". The N10-N90 values are as follows:scaffold statistics
Nx Number Length N10 1 70351424 N20 2 38104393 N30 3 36331428 N40 4 36272373 N50 5 35837822 N60 7 29728330 N70 8 22796425 N80 10 17587200 N90 167 70139 longest scaffold: 70351424, shortest scaffold: 19888 total number: 1154, total length: 426116389 However, I encountered the following error log:
Could you please help me identify what went wrong? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Best regards,