zerollzeng / tensorrt-zoo

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No keypoints output with testopenpose #13

Closed MolianWH closed 4 years ago

MolianWH commented 4 years ago

Hi, I run testopenpose, but "result.jpg" doesn't show keypoints.

zerollzeng commented 4 years ago

did you solved it? or post more information

MolianWH commented 4 years ago

sorry to reply late. It wasn't solved yet. Below is the output information Screenshot from 2020-04-20 18-23-38

MolianWH commented 4 years ago

When debug testopenpose to openpose.DoInference(inputData, result); result size is zero. output information shows input and output null (see last comment picture)

zerollzeng commented 4 years ago

emmm I run again and I can get the correct result. maybe you are doing something wrong... can you post your environment informaiton, like gpu, os, etc.

zerollzeng commented 4 years ago

close due to inativity

MolianWH commented 4 years ago

Sorry for late. My computer was down and rebuilt the envs for a long time. In the new envs, I got the keypoints correctly. Thanks!