zerowriter / zerowriter1

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2.2: Wifi NetworkManager dead #11

Closed zerowriter closed 4 months ago

zerowriter commented 4 months ago

Wifi list does not load on fresh installs. This is because the linux NetworkManager is not being loaded "inactive (dead)". I think maybe the pi imager bypasses the network manager entirely, kind of a strange issue.

You can check this with:

sudo systemctl status NetworkManager solved with:

sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager

maybe I will just add this to the setup steps... or I could have the applicaiton automatically run that command line if network manager is not loaded. Might be solve by going into raspi-config and doing the wireless setup there (not sure)

zerowriter commented 4 months ago

should be resolved in new 2.2 branch update.

the program looks to see if network manager is running. if not, it attempts to start it.