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Are the four cylinders in DisplayHousing.stl used? #14

Open tallzilla opened 4 months ago

tallzilla commented 4 months ago

More STL questions, I see the display housing has these four cylinders that house screw threads

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 8 16 17 PM

Yet in the YouTube video with your demo device it appears that the eink display is directly underneath the display housing and flush with it.

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 8 13 11 PM

Did you cut off those cylinders after printing the STL file, or am I missing something? Thanks!

zerowriter commented 4 months ago

Sorry, the STL files are a bit of a jumble. I ended up using an older file for the display housing without the posts -- they should be removed as they are not necessary.

The topcase housing in general needs some tweaking (SLIGHTLY) so it fits together more cleanly, and I would like to add screw mounts for the pi zero, and some other things.

If anyone is comfortoable working with CAD and wants to help adjust some stuff, let me know.

I also want to create a full build video (from scratch) so I think I will do that after updating the STLs

tallzilla commented 4 months ago

Thanks for the confirmation. If you create an issue with a list of your desired STL changes someone with the know-how might be able to take a swing at it (including me).

zerowriter commented 3 months ago

Here's an updated zip file with the more recent STL files I used in the videos. It includes the cover piece for hiding the cable, and it uses an earlier version of the display panel without the supports (which weren't used anyway) and makes it easier to stuff things in the display housing area.

For things I would like to fix at some point:

  1. standoffs or some sort of screw in spot for the pi zero. Right now, I just have it wedged in to position, which is fine with a bit of tape but not ideal.
  2. The hole cutout on the right side of the top.stl file isn't necessary anymore, it could be removed.
  3. The vertical height (volume) of the chamber in the top.stl file (where the pi zero + cables go) could be increased slightly -- maybe even a CM would make a big difference. It's a bit stuffed right now, and adds pressure to the display. And the pressure to the display makes the hinge less smooth.

But i think other than that, it's pretty OK!