zhanghai / MaterialFiles

Material Design file manager for Android
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Deleting file when in the search doesn't remove it from the file list #1210

Open Vilez0 opened 2 months ago

Vilez0 commented 2 months ago

When you delete a file when in the search the file doesn't disappear from the list, it's still there until you refresh or close the search and reenter

Steps to reproduce: 1- open the app and click on the search icon 2- search for some files 3- long press and delete one/some of them

Feuerswut commented 1 month ago

can be solved if refreshing/re-doing the search in background (i am referring to what the program should do) and then updating the search list.

should not take too long, but you might still opt to hide the deleted file by implementing an additional check instead.