zhangyunhao116 / zmail

Zmail makes it easier to send and retrieve emails in python3
MIT License
433 stars 111 forks source link
mail mailbox pop python python3 smtp

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Zmail makes it easier to send and retrieve emails in python3. There's no need to manually add—server address, port, suitable protocol, and so on—Zmail will do it for you. Besides, use a python dict as a mail is also more intuitive.

WARNING: This project is no longer maintained. The original goal of zmail was to provide a simple way to send e-mail in python3. Unfortunately I am no longer have the time to continue to maintain this project. Feel free to fork if you want some features.


Zmail only running in python3 without third-party modules required. Do not support python2.

$ pip3 install zmail



Before using it, please ensure:

Then, all you need to do is just import zmail.


import zmail
server = zmail.server('yourmail@example.com', 'yourpassword')

# Send mail
server.send_mail('yourfriend@example.com',{'subject':'Hello!','content_text':'By zmail.'})
# Or to a list of friends.
server.send_mail(['friend1@example.com','friend2@example.com'],{'subject':'Hello!','content_text':'By zmail.'})

# Retrieve mail
latest_mail = server.get_latest()


see zmail_demos


Verify SMTP and POP function working correctly

import zmail
server = zmail.server('yourmail@example.com’, 'yourpassword')

if server.smtp_able():
    # SMTP function.
if server.pop_able():
    # POP function.

If SMTP and POP are working correctly, the function will return True, else return Fasle.

Send your mail

import zmail
mail = {
    'subject': 'Success!',  # Anything you want.
    'content_text': 'This message from zmail!',  # Anything you want.
    'attachments': ['/Users/zyh/Documents/example.zip','/root/1.jpg'],  # Absolute path will be better.

server = zmail.server('yourmail@example.com‘, 'yourpassword')

server.send_mail('yourfriend@example.com', mail)

You can define sender's name by add 'from':'Boss <mymail@foo.com>' in your mail.

server.send_mail(['yourfriend@example.com','12345@example.com'], mail)

you can also name them (use tuple, first is its name, next is its address).

server.send_mail([('Boss','yourfriend@example.com'),'12345@example.com'], mail)
mail = {
    'subject': 'Success!',  # Anything you want.
    'content_html': ['HTML CONTENT'], 
    'attachments': '/Users/zyh/Documents/example.zip',  # Absolute path will be better.


with open('/Users/example.html','r') as f:
    content_html = f.read()
mail = {
    'subject': 'Success!',  # Anything you want.
    'content_html': content_html, 
    'attachments': '/Users/zyh/Documents/example.zip',  # Absolute path will be better.

Again, you can also name them (use tuple, first is its name, next is its address).


If zmail is not working correctly, you can customize your server config yourself.

server = zmail.server('username','password',smtp_host='smtp.163.com',smtp_port=994,smtp_ssl=True,pop_host='pop.163.com',pop_port=995,pop_tls=True)

Get your mails

import zmail
server = zmail.server('yourmail@example.com‘, 'yourpassword')
mail = server.get_latest()
mail = server.get_mail(2)
mail = server.get_mails(subject='GitHub',start_time='2018-1-1',sender='github')

In this example, if 'GitHub' in mail's subject, it will be matched, as in '[GitHub] Your password has changed'

Sender is the same way.

You can also assign the range of mails.

mail = server.get_mails(subject='GitHub',start_time='2018-1-1',sender='github',start_index=1,end_index=10)
mailbox_info = server.stat()

The result is a tuple of 2 integers: (message count, mailbox size).

Parse your mail

In zmail, each mail will be mapped to a python dictionary, you can access your mail by

subject = mail['subject']

Show your mail's base information, use zmail.show()

import zmail
server = zmail.server('yourmail@example.com’, 'yourpassword')
mail = server.get_latest()

See all contents in mail.

import zmail
server = zmail.server('yourmail@example.com’, 'yourpassword')
mail = server.get_latest()
for k,v in mail.items():

API Reference

zmail.server(username,password,smtp_host,smtp_port,smtp_ssl,smtp_tls,pop_host,pop_port,pop_ssl,pop_tls,config,timeout=60, debug=False, log=None,auto_add_from=True, auto_add_to=True)

Return MailServer instance, it implements all SMTP and POP functions.

If set any arguments which starts with pop or smtp, it will replace inner auto-generate argument (the arguments depend on the username or config you provide).

config Shortcut for use enterprise mail,if specified, enterprise mail configs will replace all inner auto-generate configs.

timeout can either be a float or int number of seconds to wait for.

debug If is True, server will open debug model and display debug information.

log The log can be None or instance of logging.logger,if is None, the zmail default logger is used, you can access it by logging.getLogger('zmail')

auto_add_to If set to True, when the key 'to' (case-insensitive) not in mail(For send), the default 'to' will automatically added to mail.

auto_add_from If set to True, when the key ' 'from' (case-insensitive) not in mail(For send), the default 'from' will automatically added to mail.

MailServer.send_mail(recipients, mail, timeout=None,auto_add_from=False, auto_add_to=False)

Return True if success.

recipients can either be str or a list of str.

mail can either be dict or CaseInsensitiveDict(Mail).mail structure see below.

timeout if is not None, it will replace server's timeout.

auto_add_from if is not None, it will replace server's auto_add_from.

auto_add_to if is not None, it will replace server's auto_add_to.


Get mailbox status. The result is a tuple of 2 integers: (message count, mailbox size).


Return Mail

which is a int number that represent mail's position in mailbox.The which must between 1 and message count(return from MailServer.stat())

Also set mail's seen flag.


Return a list of Mail

subject can either be None or str, if is not None, the subject of every mail must contains subject

start_time can either be None or string or datetime object, if is string,the format is "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS"(e.g. "2018-1-1 10:10:20").If is not None,the date of every mail must greater than start_time.

end_time is similar to start_time.If is not None,the date of every mail must smaller than end_time.

sender can either be None or str, if is not None, the from(header) of every mail must contains sender.

start_index can either be None or int, if is None or smaller than 1, it is set to 1. if greater than message_count(From MailServer.stat()), it is set to message_count.

end_index similar to start_index.The selected range limited from start_index to end_index.

lso set mail's seen flag.


Return Mail

Return latest mail.Equal to MailServer.get_mail(message_count).The message count is return from MailServer.stat()

also set mail's seen flag.


Return a list of raw_headers

Use MailServer.get_headers() instead.

Removed in version 0.2.0


Return a list of headers.(A list of CaseInsensitiveDict)

The range of headers is limited from start_index to end_index.same as that of MailServer.get_mails()

New in version 0.2.0


which flag message number which for deletion.

New in version 0.2.0


Return True if SMTP working correctly else False.


Return True if POP working correctly else False.


Mail Structures

Mail (Used for send)

Can either be dict or CaseInsensitiveDict(Usually from get_mail or get_mails)

subject The subject of mail.

from The 'from' header, represent the mail's source.

to (Not used).You can use tuple (name,address) to define the name of recipient.(Used for To and Cc)

content_text The text content.Can either be str or a list of str.

content_html The html content.Can either be str or a list of str.

attachments Include all attachments.It can either be str or a list of str or a list of tuple.(e.g. '/User/apple/1.txt' or ['/User/apple/1.txt','2.txt'] or [('1.txt',b'...'),('2.txt',b'...')] )

headers If you want to add extra headers,you can specified on it.Must be dict.

Mail(From get_mail or get_mails)

subject The subject of mail.

from The 'from' header, represent the mail's source.

to The 'to' header, represent the mail's destination.

content_text A list of text content.

content_html A list of html content.

attachments Include all attachments.(e.g. ['1.txt',b'...'])

raw_headers Include all raw header pairs.

headers Include all parsed headers.(CaseInsensitiveDict)

charsets Include all charsets.

date Mail date.

id Mail id.Used to locate mail position in mail-box.

raw raw mail.As a list of bytes.

Supported mail server

The mail server in this list has been tested and approved.

If your mail server not in it, don't worry, zmail will handle it automatically.If any problems in use, please tell me in the Github.

Server address Send mail Retrieve mail Remarks
@163.com Need app private password
@qq.com POP3 need app private password
@gmail.com Need app private password
@outlook Need app private password
@hotmail Require extra setup

Supported enterprise mail server

Name Usage
Tencent enterprise mail zmail.server('username','psw',config='qq')
Ali enterprise mail zmail.server('username','psw',config='ali')
Netease enterprise mail zmail.server('username','psw',config='163')
Google enterprise mail zmail.server('username','psw',config='google')