zhengthomastang / 2018AICity_TeamUW

The winning method in Track 1 and Track 3 at the 2nd AI City Challenge Workshop in CVPR 2018 - Official Implementation
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Confidence and class lost in Track1/4_TC_tracker output #12

Open lucasstna opened 4 years ago

lucasstna commented 4 years ago


First of all, thanks for making this code public. Now, I'm trying to use the tracker in order to get input to run speed estimation on a specific data set, but after I run the code, the outputs seems to have the value "-1" on the field and no value where the should be, even though the inputs had a valid value.

Here it's a example of input: 000000,-1,703,370,29,21,41.0,-1,-1,-1,car 000000,-1,692,417,46,38,67.0,-1,-1,-1,car

And here, the output for those entries: 1,1,636,364,25,20,-1,-1,-1,-1 1,2,701,369,32,21,-1,-1,-1,-1

Do you have any idea why is this happening ? Thanks in advance.