zhengxwen / HIBAG

R package – HLA Genotype Imputation with Attribute Bagging (development version only)
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VCF files #21

Open karpat90 opened 1 year ago

karpat90 commented 1 year ago


Many than for great package! I wanted to ask how can extract vcf with info score from hla prediction output?

cl <- makeCluster(20) set.seed(1000) parseCommandArgs(evaluate=TRUE) model.obj <- get(load(file1)) model <- hlaModelFromObj(model.obj) summary(model) p1=plot(model) yourgeno <- hlaBED2Geno(bed.fn=bed.file, fam.fn=fam.file, bim.fn=bim.file) summary(yourgeno) pred.guess <- hlaPredict(model, yourgeno, match.type="Position")


hlaAlleleToVCF(hlaAlleleSubset(pred.guess, 1:4),DS=TRUE, verbose=TRUE, outfn=vcf.out)

save(pred.guess, p1, file=file2)

After I execute this script I get a vcf fle with dosages but no infor score.

Many thanks!

zhengxwen commented 1 year ago

HIBAG does not have allele-level confidence scores, instead it provides sample-level confidence scores. pred.guess$value$prob is sample-level score, see pred.guess$value.

karpat90 commented 1 year ago

If I understood correctly, then it's better to remove alleles with pred.guess$value$prob < 0.5 ?

Thank you!

zhengxwen commented 1 year ago

pred.guess$value$prob is sample-level (used to remove low-confidence sample prediction). If you want to remove alleles, consider using the minor allele frequency threshold (e.g., 3 or 5), just like what you do with PLINK if you use PLINK (singleton and doubleton are not considered in single variant tests).