zhongkaifu / Seq2SeqSharp

Seq2SeqSharp is a tensor based fast & flexible deep neural network framework written by .NET (C#). It has many highlighted features, such as automatic differentiation, different network types (Transformer, LSTM, BiLSTM and so on), multi-GPUs supported, cross-platforms (Windows, Linux, x86, x64, ARM), multimodal model for text and images and so on.
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sqc.m_srcEmbedding_p.GetNetworkOnDevice(k).GetWeightAt() #61

Closed piedralaves closed 1 year ago

piedralaves commented 1 year ago

Hi, What is the way to do that:


sqc.m_srcEmbedding_p.GetNetworkOnDevice(k).SetWeightAt(new float(), auxLong)

being sqc

SeqClassification sqc


long[] auxLong = new long[2]

in the newest versions of seq2seq framework?

The purpuse is to set and get the embeddings vectors in an auxiliary fuction.

I see that SeqClassification has changed, doesn't it?


piedralaves commented 1 year ago

Sorry. I realized that this attribute is private. Just putting a public "get". Thanks