Closed huangyxi closed 2 years ago
需要将贵项目的主分支(当前为master)最新版以pull request形式推送到自 de32d3948b0998449fe2a1a9ef88c702b5a500f2 (首次引入whutmod.cls
文件)至 d77ed69edeb1b1f082212f626e73c2aff96af3ef (移除whutmod.cls
文件)期间fork贵项目的所有分支项目的主分支(默认为master或main,依实际情况而定)中,并在pull request标题及正文中说明原因。
您好,已经按照您的要求,PR了所有分支仓库到目前最新版的项目分支,e.g. PR示例,我对涉嫌侵权的问题再次深表歉意,并深刻意识到版权问题,还请您海涵!并且很抱歉因为个人原因未及时查看issues,是在您提醒下才看到导致回复较晚。此项目也仅是数模过程中的记录与文件整理,并没涉及其他利用价值,希望您能理解。最后对侵权问题深表歉意,祝学长前程似锦。
刘同学你好,我是 武汉理工大学数学建模培训 LaTeX 模板 whutmod (以下简称“WHUTMOD 项目”) 的开发者 huangyxi。
近日有朋友告诉我阁下在项目中引用了本人的项目。 首先,本人对阁下勇于开源自己多年训练及比赛的数据和文件的行为表达感谢。 但是,阁下可能无意中在项目文件
中未申明来源且手动粘贴并修改了 WHUTMOD 项目模板whutmod.cls
的代码,并未经本人许可将包括 WHUTMOD 项目文件所在的内容 以MIT协议开源。 由于 WHUTMOD 项目尚未决定采用任何开源协议 (no license),即是 专有 (proprietary) 项目,仅仅是 看源 (source-available) 而不是 开源 (open-source)。根据 GitHub 服务协议:阁下对 WHUTMOD 项目的复制 (reproduce) 仅拥有协议许可的 fork 等 GitHub 内建功能的权利。对此,本人在此要求(满足一下所有):
文件中声明 WHUTMOD 项目的所有权,并附上 WHUTMOD 项目的链接
Hello Mr. Liu, I am huangyxi, the developer of project A LaTeX Template for Mathematical Modeling Training at Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT) (hereinafter referred to as "WHUTMOD Project").
Recently, a friend told me that you included the WHUTMOD Project in your project. First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to you for your dedication to open-source the data and files generated during your training and competition periods. However, you may unintentionally hide the source of your project file
, manually paste and modify the codes from WHUTMOD project filewhutmod.cls
, and make these contents open-sourced under the MIT license without my authorization. Since the WHUTMOD project has not yet decided to adopt any open-source license (no license), it is a proprietary project, just source-available instead of open-source. According to GitHub Terms of Service:your reproduction of the WHUTMOD project is limited to fork and other GitHub's functionality under the terms. In this regard, I hereby request (apply all):
, and attach the link of WHUTMOD project
There is no evil in sharing knowledge, and the above behavior is believed to be your unintentional act. Open-source is a great cause, but don't be generous at others' rights. Thanks for your cooperation. Happy coding!