zkMIPS / zkm

The universal zkVM empowering Ethereum as the Global Settlement Layer
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example/sha2-rust fail #169

Open gavin-ygy opened 17 hours ago

gavin-ygy commented 17 hours ago
  1. prove the sha2-rust guest ELF debug successfully.
  2. prove the sha2-rust guest ELF release fail. ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-75:/mnt/data/gavin/zkm/prover$ ARGS="711e9609339e92b03ddc0a211827dba421f38f9ed8b9d806e1ffdd8c15ffa03d world!" RUST_LOG=info ELF_PATH=examples/sha2-rust/target/mips-unknown-linux-musl/release/sha2-rust HOST_PROGRAM=sha2_rust SEG_OUTPUT=/tmp/gggt cargo run --release --example zkmips prove_host_program warning: /mnt/data/.cargo/config is deprecated in favor of config.toml note: if you need to support cargo 1.38 or earlier, you can symlink config to config.toml warning: /mnt/data/.cargo/config is deprecated in favor of config.toml note: if you need to support cargo 1.38 or earlier, you can symlink config to config.toml Compiling zkm-prover v0.1.0 (/mnt/data/gavin/zkm/prover) Finished release profile [optimized] target(s) in 19.73s Running /mnt/data/gavin/zkm/target/release/examples/zkmips prove_host_program [2024-09-27T03:36:17Z INFO zkmips] expected public value in hex: "711e9609339e92b03ddc0a211827dba421f38f9ed8b9d806e1ffdd8c15ffa03d" [2024-09-27T03:36:17Z INFO zkmips] expected public value: [71, 1E, 96, 9, 33, 9E, 92, B0, 3D, DC, A, 21, 18, 27, DB, A4, 21, F3, 8F, 9E, D8, B9, D8, 6, E1, FF, DD, 8C, 15, FF, A0, 3D] [2024-09-27T03:36:17Z INFO zkmips] private input value: [77, 6F, 72, 6C, 64, 21] [2024-09-27T03:36:17Z INFO zkm_emulator::utils] Split done 6913 : 27685 [2024-09-27T03:36:17Z INFO zkmips] public value: [71, 1E, 96, 9, 33, 9E, 92, B0, 3D, DC, A, 21, 18, 27, DB, A4, 21, F3, 8F, 9E, D8, B9, D8, 6, E1, FF, DD, 8C, 15, FF, A0, 3D] [2024-09-27T03:36:17Z INFO zkmips] public value: 711e9609339e92b03ddc0a211827dba421f38f9ed8b9d806e1ffdd8c15ffa03d in hex [2024-09-27T03:36:17Z INFO zkmips] seg_file_number 2 [2024-09-27T03:37:10Z INFO zkmips] 1Process segment /tmp/gggt/0 [2024-09-27T03:37:14Z INFO zkm_prover::cpu::bootstrap_kernel] Bootstrapping took 3486 cycles [2024-09-27T03:37:14Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] CPU halted after 10402 cycles [2024-09-27T03:37:14Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] CPU trace padded to 16384 cycles [2024-09-27T03:37:14Z INFO zkm_prover::generation] Trace lengths (before padding): TraceCheckpoint { arithmetic_len: 2239, cpu_len: 16384, poseidon_len: 3485, poseidon_sponge_len: 3485, logic_len: 1197, memory_len: 168569 } [2024-09-27T03:37:27Z INFO plonky2::util::timing] 17.3951s to prove root first [2024-09-27T03:37:27Z INFO zkmips] 2Process segment /tmp/gggt/1 thread 'main' panicked at prover/examples/zkmips.rs:283:73: called Result::unwrap() on an Err value: No such file or directory (os error 2) note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace ubuntu@ip-172-31-0-75:/mnt/data/gavin/zkm/prover$
eigmax commented 13 hours ago

fixed by #170