zkmkarlsruhe / ofxTensorFlow2

TensorFlow 2 AI/ML library wrapper for openFrameworks
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how to interpret output #9

Closed natxopedreira closed 2 years ago

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago


Im playing with this to help me to understand how tensorflow c pi works.

I have a centernet model that has one input and 4 outputs

The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following input(s):
  inputs['input_tensor'] tensor_info:
      dtype: DT_UINT8
      shape: (1, -1, -1, 3)
      name: serving_default_input_tensor:0
The given SavedModel SignatureDef contains the following output(s):
  outputs['detection_boxes'] tensor_info:
      dtype: DT_FLOAT
      shape: (1, 100, 4)
      name: StatefulPartitionedCall:0
  outputs['detection_classes'] tensor_info:
      dtype: DT_FLOAT
      shape: (1, 100)
      name: StatefulPartitionedCall:1
  outputs['detection_scores'] tensor_info:
      dtype: DT_FLOAT
      shape: (1, 100)
      name: StatefulPartitionedCall:2
  outputs['num_detections'] tensor_info:
      dtype: DT_FLOAT
      shape: (1)
      name: StatefulPartitionedCall:3
Method name is: tensorflow/serving/predict

I load the model and set input and output names


    vector<string> inputs{"serving_default_input_tensor:0"};
    vector<string> outputs{"StatefulPartitionedCall:0",


Add one dimension to input to follow model requeriments

    input = cppflow::expand_dims(input, 0);
    auto output = model.runModel(input);

And now how i acces to the output data? I tried this but dont work, i expected that the return of runModel was a vector of vectors.... i tried reading the cppflow doc but no luck

    auto detection_boxes = output[0];
    auto detection_classes = output[1];
    auto detection_scores = output[2];
    auto num_detections = output[3];


natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

Ok i think i got it

    auto output = model.runMultiModel({input});
    auto detection_boxes = output[0];
    auto detection_classes = output[1];
    auto detection_scores = output[2];
    auto num_detections = output[3];

And now to use it

    ofxTF2::tensorToVector(output[0], detection_boxes_vector);
    ofxTF2::tensorToVector(output[1], detection_classes_vector);
    ofxTF2::tensorToVector(output[2], detection_scores_vector);
    ofxTF2::tensorToVector(output[3], num_detections_vector);

But for example the bounding boxes is 2d level data, first one is box index and second one are the 4 coords (tensor: shape=[1 100 4]), and tensorToVector flatterns it to 1D vector of 400 size, so i think it has to be

            //[ymin, xmin, ymax, xmax]

            int py = detection_boxes_vector[i*4] * img_dog.getHeight();
            int px = detection_boxes_vector[i*4+1] * img_dog.getWidth();
            int pheight = detection_boxes_vector[i*4+2] * img_dog.getHeight();
            int pwidth = detection_boxes_vector[i*4+3] * img_dog.getWidth();

            ofDrawRectangle(px, py, pwidth, pheight);

But the boxes are not correctly positioned.... im doing this last step wrong?


Note i tried 2 differents models and output is the same so obviously im doing something wrong, just can find what


natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

Seems like is


            int py = detection_boxes_vector[i*4] * img_dog.getHeight();
            int px = detection_boxes_vector[i*4+1] * img_dog.getWidth();
            int pheight = detection_boxes_vector[i*4+2] * img_dog.getHeight() - py;
            int pwidth = detection_boxes_vector[i*4+3] * img_dog.getWidth() - px;

            ofDrawRectangle(px, py, pwidth, pheight);

Curious that bounding boxes for the dogs are not exact the same as tf example https://tensorflow-object-detection-api-tutorial.readthedocs.io/en/latest/auto_examples/plot_object_detection_saved_model.html

My ouput


Tf example


But with other image seems spot on so assume code is now ok


Would you accept a PR with a sample to use an object detection model?¿ I will be glad to contribute

danomatika commented 2 years ago

Ping @bytosaur

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

Just to note box difference was fixed replacing tensorflow lib, can also contribute providing a updated tf lib for linux to use with cuda 11.1 as i need to recompile it to use on my machine.

danomatika commented 2 years ago

To which version?

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

tf 2.5.1 cuda 11.1

danomatika commented 2 years ago

We have td 2.4.2 in the develop branch but I think the next release could use the latest 2.5.

bytosaur commented 2 years ago

hey @natxopedreira!

Your workflow seems to be inline with our expertise and recommendations. Thanks for tying out and reading it so carefully :) I dont know exactly why there were issues with the bounding boxes. Are you sure you handled the input as expected by the SavedModel? That is, correct data type, value range or preprocessing?

As for the TF version, I will look into using the latest CUDA (11.4) and TF (2.6.0) today. Unfortunately, we don't have a Docker Image for OpenFrameworks so I ll need to modify my current setup which may take some time. I ll to come back to you when I fixed all warnings.

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago


No problem at all, bounding boxes differences where fixed when replaced the lib.... i know....no much sense at all. In fact the second image of beach boxes where correct so not sure what happened here but is fixed.

I did a docker image to build the library so if need to build any version and want help, ping me!

bytosaur commented 2 years ago

Cool! Do you have the Dockerfile somewhere on GitHub? This might be very cool for testing new TF or Cuda releases. And yes PRs are very welcome for both examples or src contributions :)

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

Sorry i dont have a Dockerfile but i can publish the docker if you want to quay or similar.

I will try to add more examples and will do a PR

bytosaur commented 2 years ago

I just updated the downlaodscript for libtensorflow to 2.6. I didnt encounter any problems using CUDA 11.4

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

Nice, thanks!

I will try to prepare some samples: object detection, face detection, something like posenet.... and make a pr.

I think that do a small one training your own model will be also useful for people, i know your examples are more "art" oriented and what i'm doing is more "tools" oriented so if those do not fit in your concept please let me know

bytosaur commented 2 years ago

Human Pose Estimation would be a huge contribution! Unfortunately, I couldn't find a single model that does the job in a pleasing way. I converted Mediapipe Models for landmarks and body or hand positions but there is a lot of math between the models which I didn't want to rewrite in C++. For dealing with objects we could think about extending or changing the efficient net example. I think it's good to have some examples that show the basics like how to input an image or use multiple output and then some more advanced stuff like the liveGan example (for which I still need to upload a model)

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

I'm still on basics :) But i will help on what i can

I think it's good to have some examples that show the basics like how to input an image or use multiple output imo object detection fit those, you input an image an deal multiple outputs, and you can find ready models on tf hub

What about this one for pose estimation? https://www.tensorflow.org/hub/tutorials/movenet

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

Movenet is working !!!

And seems to work fast/great

movenet dance.gif Q2Xb5r.gif
bytosaur commented 2 years ago

Hey @natxopedreira! Awesome! This model must be pretty new. I am glad you found it :) I am looking forward to a PR.

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

@bytosaur model is from february i think, inference is ver fast, multiple users 40fps on cpu i7 and more than 60 on my 1060gpu. And i read somewhere in octuber tf will release next iteration of the model with a depth estimation

i have to clean the code, make a readme and will do the pr.

Model is very nice!

danomatika commented 2 years ago

Also, don't commit the model to the repo. If you can send us the model as a zip, we can add it to the models share folder and the download script.

bytosaur commented 2 years ago

No need to send it. I ll grab it from tf hub and upload it to our cloud storage :) Yes a minimal solution will be best! Thanks for contributing

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

Ok, code is ready, only need to to readme.

I use a video from pexels so no copyright, is ok to upload?

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

@bytosaur @danomatika Please take a look here https://github.com/natxopedreira/ofxTensorFlow2/tree/main/example_Movenet to see if is ok for you, i can also add the object detection sample if you want

bytosaur commented 2 years ago

hey @natxopedreira,

Thanks for the upload! I wont find time today to go over it thoroughly but I saw a few things that could be different:

is it useful when i make a PR first too your repo and then merge it afterwards in ours?

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

I will do that in another branch if you dont mind as i prefer to have a separated class.... just for my use

Dont understand what you want to say here :) is it useful when i make a PR first too your repo and then merge it afterwards in ours?

danomatika commented 2 years ago

The MP4 is tiny, so not a problem. I would just make sure proper attribution for it is included in the readme.

danomatika commented 2 years ago

Personally, I'm fine with the separate class. We already have subclasses of the Model anyway.

Additionally, we can further modularize it by passing in a pixels or ofBaseVideo reference etc to the update() function.

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

Just upload all changes except to move all back to main....

It just receive a ofPixels reference movenet.update(video.getPixels());

void update(ofPixels & pxs)

danomatika commented 2 years ago

Nice. As long as the design is easy for a beginner to follow, I don't think it's bad to have a simple class wrapper for some (complicated) examples.

danomatika commented 2 years ago

@natxopedreira Can you rename the folder with lowercase? ie. example_movenet

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago


I tried to code it clean to easy understand and comment code, so people can take this as a reference and extend it adding a tracker... etc etc

danomatika commented 2 years ago

I would also suggest adding your own attribution to the readme and as a header in the source files. At a minimum something like "Example by Natxopedreira 2021" with a URL etc. We will probably edit a bit here and there but the core of the contribution is yours. (Thanks by the way!)

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

Thanks :) I added a small footer with a comment a link to my github

Note im open to make changes if you want, not a problem.

I'm happy to contribute and i hope people will like this one!!!!

danomatika commented 2 years ago

As a follow up, we refactored and threaded the ofxMovenet class: https://github.com/zkmkarlsruhe/ofxTensorFlow2/blob/develop/example_movenet/src/ofxMovenet.h

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

Thanks for let me know

Now looks better, with comments on each method.... and the thread

danomatika commented 2 years ago

I only tested on my macOS system with TF CPU, no GPU. Please test on your setup and let me know if toggling the threading with the t key works and if there is no major loss in FPS. On this Intel Macbook Pro 16 inch, the non-threaded processing slows the app down to about 10 fps. If I turn threading on, the app runs at 60 but the tracking lags a bit as it's still slow in the background thread. In any case, your system should be able to run it fast with or without the thread.

UPDATE: The current work is in the develop branch.

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

i will test and let you know, give me some hours. Note that here "old version" i get 40fps on CPU i7... 10fps sounds really low

danomatika commented 2 years ago

10fps sounds really low

Laptop CPU :P

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago

no lag here on CPU and solid 60fps, need more tests? im going to start training so computer will be used but can wait to test anything

danomatika commented 2 years ago

No, sounds good. I just wanted to be sure I didn't break anything.

natxopedreira commented 2 years ago


If you have more ideas about other doing others examples, please let me know, those are good exercises to learn tf