zlfben / trace2tap

Trace2TAP: Synthesizing Trigger-Action Programs From Traces of Behavior
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Login form does not work #3

Closed Dibbya40 closed 3 years ago

Dibbya40 commented 3 years ago

Hello. When I submit the credentials in the login form and click the login button, it does not take me to the next page. It stays as it is. Could you please help me to solve this? Screenshot from 2020-10-15 21-21-55

AlexDmr commented 3 years ago

got the same problem : core.js:15724 ERROR HttpErrorResponse error: ProgressEvent bubbles: false cancelBubble: false cancelable: false composed: false currentTarget: XMLHttpRequest {zone_symbolxhrSync: false, zone_symbolxhrURL: "http://localhost/backend/user/get_cookie/", zone_symbolloadfalse: Array(1), zone_symbolerrorfalse: null, zone_symbolxhrScheduled: true, …} defaultPrevented: false eventPhase: 0 isTrusted: true lengthComputable: false loaded: 0 path: [] returnValue: true srcElement: XMLHttpRequest {zone_symbolxhrSync: false, zone_symbol__xhrURL: "http://localhost/backend/user/get_cookie/", zone_symbolloadfalse: Array(1), zone_symbolerrorfalse: null, zone_symbolxhrScheduled: true, …} target: XMLHttpRequest {zone_symbolxhrSync: false, zone_symbolxhrURL: "http://localhost/backend/user/get_cookie/", __zone_symbolloadfalse: Array(1), zone_symbolerrorfalse: null, zone_symbolxhrScheduled: true, …} timeStamp: 5669.129999998404 total: 0 type: "error" proto: ProgressEvent headers: HttpHeaders {normalizedNames: Map(0), lazyUpdate: null, headers: Map(0)} message: "Http failure response for http://localhost/backend/user/get_cookie/: 0 Unknown Error" name: "HttpErrorResponse" ok: false status: 0 statusText: "Unknown Error" url: "http://localhost/backend/user/get_cookie/" proto: HttpResponseBase

AlexDmr commented 3 years ago

I guess the problem is that docker does not expose the correct ports, I had to change the docker compose config file so that 4200 port is mapped to a host port. Probably some other ports have to be exposed ?

zlfben commented 3 years ago

Dibbya's problem was solved by doing this:

adding "vine==1.3.0" as a line in 

The issue was vine changed the API in the newest version which led to an import error in backend.

Could you show the "docker ps" information? If it's the same issue, you will see that the backend exits because of the import error.

Dibbya40 commented 3 years ago

Yes. My problem was solved. Thank you.

AlexDmr commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the information. Actually the problem persists, here are some informations that I gathered : docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 7f86dba2bdb8 redis "docker-entrypoint.s…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes 6379/tcp trace2tap_redis_1 724329fc67c7 trace2tap_frontend "ng serve --host 0.0…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes>4200/tcp trace2tap_frontend_1 bf7664ef7ed1 trace2tap_postgres "/usr/lib/postgresql…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes 5432/tcp trace2tap_postgres_1

The logs of trace2tap_celery_beat_1 displays sh: 1: ../init-celery-beat.sh: not found

as with trace2tap_iotcore_1 sh: 1: ../init-core.sh: not found

same kind of error with others containers

zlfben commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the information! It seems to be a separate issue. I created a new issue. Please refer to the new one.